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114 - 200 of 1446 results
Reggie Prim, Artist, on Civic Engagement, November 2007
Regina Fragner, Farmer, Sep. 2014
Regula Russelle, Book-Maker, on her Projects, November 2012
Reinhard Derntl, Vegetable Farmer, Sep. 2014
Renata Holod, Scholar of Islamic Art & Architecture, May 2013
Rhoda Gilman, Historian, on Social Justice and Human Rights, Feb. 2014
Richard Altenbaugh, Professor Emeritus of Secondary Education, on Education and Society, March 2011
Richard Mizelle, Environmental Historian, Apr. 2015
Richard Steckel, Professor of Economics, on The Long Shadow of American Slavery, December 2011
Richard Wilk, Professor of Anthropology, on Civilisation, March 2011
Rich Horton, Editor of Rift Magazine, Jan. 2016
Rick Duque, Professor of Social Studies of Science, on Transplanting Science, April 2011
Rita Deyo, Writer and Volunteer, Mar. 2016
Rita Raley, Professor of English, on Electronic Literature, February 2009
Robert DeArmond, Arts Council Director, Apr. 2014
Robert Gilmer, Postdoc in Native American History, on Mississippi River Flooding, May 2011
Robert Gilmer, Postdoc in Native American History, on Oil and Water, June 2010
Robert Hammel, Filmmaker, on Filmmaking, November 2009
Robert Lang, Origami Master, on the Frontiers of Origami, March 2011
Robert Wallace, Evolutionary Biologist, on the Agroeconomics of Disease, July 2015
Robin Gilette, Director of the Fringe Festival, on the Fringe, July 2009
Robin Gillette, Director of the MN Fringe, on Her Tenure, Aug. 2013
Roger Hart, Professor of History, on Chinese Math, March 2007
Ronald Krebs, Prof. of Political Science, Aug. 2015
Ron Reed, Pioneer of Philosophy for Children, Dec. 2005
Rosalie Wahl, MN Supreme Court Judge, on the War in Iraq, Mar. 2003
Ruth Mazo Karras, Professor of History, on Medieval Sexuality, July 2013
Ryan Hill and Heather Stone, Actors, on the Sandbox Theatre, July 2009
Ryan Skinner, Ethnomusicologist, on Mali, October 2012
Ryland Angel, Composer, with Ann Waltner, Historian, July 2015
Ryuta Nakajima, Artist, on Zen and Marine Biology, March 2011
Sabina Hoser, Baker, Sep. 2014
Salah Ammo, Musician, Sep. 2014
Samantha Bohrman, Author, Feb. 2016
Sara Evans, Professor of History, on Becoming a Feminist Historian, December 2011
Sara Evans, Professor of History, on the Relevance of History, February 2007
Sarah Lambert, Set Designer, on her Work, January 2012
Sarah Stonich, Author, on Sense of Place, July 2014
Sarah Tracy, Director of Medical Humanities, on Medical Humanities, November 2008
Sarah Whiting, Photographer, Apr. 2016
Savannah Rhomberg-Reich, Playwright, on Theater, August 2010
Scott VanKoughnett, Bookstore Owner, Sep. 2015
Sean Walsh, Professor of Philosophy, on Confucius, December 2012
Seitu Jones, Artist, on Community, December 2012
Shane Courtland, Philosopher, Apr. 2014
Sharon Day, Director, Indigenous People's Task Force, July 2015
Shawny Anderson, Service Learning Leader, July 2015
Shelley Cords-Swanson, Visual Artist, on her Inspiration, October 2012
Shirley Nelson Garner, Professor of English, on Shakespeare, March 2010
Shohini Ghosh, Filmmaker, on her Films, November 2006
Siegfried Kröpfl, Vegan Chef, Sep. 2014
Simon Gikandi, Professor of English, on Literary History, October 2009
Sister Helen Prejean and Mary Ann Antrobus, on Nicaragua, May 2011
Stacy Alaimo, Professor of English, on Transcorporeality, November 2009
Stan & Gladys Friesen, Inventors of Gladcorn, July 2010
Stefan Heid, Ethnologist and Writer, Oct. 2014
Steve Freeman, Realtor, Feb. 2015
Steve LeBeau, Editor of MN Business Magazine, Nov. 2015
Susan Buck-Morss, Professor of Political Philosophy, on Visual Imagery, February 2009
Susan Hawthorne, Professor of Philosophy, on ADHD
Susan Hensel, Artist, on her Work, November 2011
Susan McIntosh, Professor of Anthropology, on African History, November 2007
Susannah Smith, Historian, on Javanese Gamelan, February 2007
Susan Wagner Ginter, Painter, on Painting, September 2012
Susan Whitfield, Historian and Librarian, on Historiography, January 2013
Suzanne Cahill, Professor of East Asian Studies, on Tang Dynasty Daoism, December 2007
Sylvia Edelman, Farmer, Sep. 2014
Tae Hong Park, Composer, on New Music, February 2013
Tamara Underiner, Professor in Theater of the Americas, on Contemporary Mayan Theater, March 2009
Ted Farmer, Professor of History, on Humanity, August 2010
Terry Pender, Composer, on his Music, February 2009
Thia Cooper, Professor of Religion, Apr. 2014
Thomas Fisher, Architect, Dec. 2015
Thomas Fisher, Dean of the College of Design, on the Future of Human-made Systems, April 2011
Thomas Rose, Professor of Art, on his Work, August 2011
Thomas Schmidinger, Scholar of the Middle East, Aug. 2014
Thomas Wolfe, Professor of History, on His Life, February 2011
Tim Hoogland, Coordinator of History Day, on Minnesota History Day, Feb. 2014
Timothy Pauketat, Archaeologist, on Cahokia, May 2013
Tom Conley, Professor of Romance Languages and Literatures, on Cinema, April 2010
Tracy Deutsch, Professor of History, on Grocery Stores, August 2011
Tressa Sularz, Fiber Artist, Mar. 2016
Ully Leitner, Organic Farmer, Oct. 2014
Valentine Cadieux, Postdoc in Geography, on Food Systems, August 2011
Walter Enloe, Professor of Human Studies, on the Fukushima nuclear disaster, March 2011
Walter Haider, Grocer, Sep. 2014
Waltraud Egger, Grocer, Oct. 2014
Waltraud Haslhofer and Andreas Ortner, Restaurant Owners, Oct. 2014
Wayne Potratz, Sculptor, on Casting Metal, January 2013
Whitney Taylor, Human Rights Worker, on her Motivations, April 2012
William Cunningham, Professor of Environmental Science, on Environmental Change, September 2008
William LaFleur, Professor of Japanese Studies, on Organ Donation, October 2006
William McGeveran, Professor of Law, on Legal Problems after Technology, December 2012
William Moseley, Professor of Geography, on African Development, October 2011
William Moseley, Professor of Geography, on Food in Botswana, June 2012
Will Weaver, Author, Apr. 2014
Containing the BP Oil Spill: Robert Gilmer, Oct. 2010
Environmental Restoration after the BP Oil Spill: Robert Gilmer, Nov. 2010
Fishing Closures and Contamination after the BP Oil Spill: Robert Gilmer, Nov. 2010
Gulf History and Ecology: Robert Gilmer, Sep. 2010