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38 - 40 of 1446 results
Interview with Margaret Rogers Barrett, Writer.
Interview with Marlon Heimerl, Artforce Marketing Director.
Interview with Mary Beth St. Hilaire on walking the Camino de Santiago.
Interview with Nor Hall, Therapist and Writer.
Interview with Peter Rachleff, East Side Freedom Library.
Interview with Peter Rothstein, Theater Latte Da Cofounder.
Interview with Rachel Jendrzejewski, Playwright and Dancer.
Interview with Richard Kelly, John Berryman Scholar.
Interview with Roger Morris, Poet, Minneapolis Writers Workshop.
Interview with Scott Van Koughnett, Bookstore Owner, on Black Friday.
Interview with Sue Berg, Director, Yinghua Academy.
Interview with Susan Weinberg, Writer, Artist, Genealogist.
Interview with Ted Hathaway, Special Collections, Minneapolis Central Library.
Interview with Tom Cassidy, Correspondence Artist.
Interview with Wendy Brown-Baez, Writing for Healing.
Irmi Salzer, Farmer, Oct. 2014
Isabel Ettenauer, Toy Pianist, Oct. 2014
Jack Becker, Artist, on Public Art, October 2009
Jack Rose, Actor, on His Life and Career, Aug. 2013
Jack Zipes, Professor of German, on Fairy Tales, Feb. 2014