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38 - 40 of 1446 results
The Ahepan (Reel 26, Number 157)
The Gopher, Volume 58, 1945
The American Jewish World, Volume 33, Number 37, May 11, 1945
V-mail from Poppy to Alan Rich July 1945-October 1945 (Box 1, Foler 20)
The American Jewish World, Volume 34, Number 2, September 14, 1945
American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA) Yearbooks (Reel 20, Number 151)
Finances and Fundraising. Community Chests. National Budget Committee. Memoranda & Reports. (Box 042, Folder 03)
Finances and Fundraising. Foundations. List of Prospective Contributors. (Box 027, Folder 04)
General and Administrative. Assemblies and Conferences. National YMCA-YWCA Conference for High School Youth, 1946-1947 (Box 32, Folder 12)
General correspondence, January - April 1947 (Box 3, Folder 6)
General correspondence, June - December 1950 (Box 3, Folder 9)
Records of Students Classified According to Major, Lists of Foreign Students and country of origin, African-American Students, Women at the Mayo Foundation, Rochester fellows registered on the Minneapolis campus (some years) and Foreign Students at the...
Related Organizations. Union Free School District 15. Correspondence and reports. (Box 35, Folder 500)
Youth in Government. Minnesota Youth and Government, 1946-1973 (Box 40, Folder 12)
The American Jewish World, Volume 34, Number 22, February 1, 1946
The American Jewish World, Volume 34, Number 27, March 8, 1946
The American Jewish World, Volume 34, Number 28, March 15, 1946
The American Jewish World, Volume 34, Number 33, April 19, 1946
The American Jewish World, Volume 35, Number 4, September 27, 1946
The American Jewish World, Volume 35, Number 5, October 4, 1946