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1986 - 200 of 211510 results
Audio clips of interviews with residents of Chisago County, Minnesota about the influence of Swedish language and culture conducted by Nils Hasselmo.
[Audience question and answer with unidentified speaker, regarding studies on early infant deaths]
[Audience question and answer with unidentified speaker, regarding healthy eating]
Audience members at the dedication ceremony of the newly built Heller Hall
Audience members at the dedication ceremony of the newly built Heller Hall
Audience members at the dedication ceremony of the newly built Heller Hall
Audience members
Audience listening to presenter at site of the groundbreaking for the Home Economics and Classroom Building
Audience listening to presenter at site of the groundbreaking for the Home Economics and Classroom Building
Audience in dedication ceremony of the Kathryn A. Martin Library
Audience in dedication ceremony of the Kathryn A. Martin Library
Audience at the Opening Ceremony of the newly constructed Labovitz School of Business
Audience at the Opening Ceremony of the newly constructed Labovitz School of Business
Audience at the groundbreaking for the Kirby Student Center
Audience at the CCI meeting
Audience at Lewisohn Stadium looking towards the field
Audience at groundbreaking ceremony for the Life Science Building
Audience at groundbreaking ceremony for the Life Science Building
Audience, ACM Annual Meeting (Box 4, Folder 17)
Audience, ACM '70 (Box 4, Folder 10)
Auction, to Jacobij Lemmers, Gerard Lemmers
Auction, purchased by M. Jacobij, G. van Eghten
Auction, movable property, the late M. Jacobij
Auctioning a car
Auction, home purchased by Jacobij, W. Solomons/M. Jacobij
Auction Design for ROI-Constrained Buyers
Auction Design and Wireless Spectrum Auctions
Au cours de cette guerre, nous esperons payer, dans une faible mesure, la dette que le peuple Americain a contractee
Auch wir wollen eine starke Staatsautoritat! Es gibt in Deutschland nur einen Staatsmann, der mitten im Volke wurze
Auch wenn du olst, sei bei der Sache! OL ist kostbar - sei sparsam damit!
Auch ich trommle fIr Hitler
Aubrecht, Don A.
A Typical YMCA boys group, South Shore YMCA, Chicago, Illinois
A typical semi-foreign shop.
A typical middle class Chinese family
A typical Chinese street.
A typical Chinese junk
A typewriting class under the able direction of Miss Pauline Arnold, the vocational director at Fort Slocum. The vocational classes are always popular.
At Work on a milling machine.
A two-phase model of electro-diffusion mediated swelling in gastric mucus
Atwood, Harry
Atwood, Harry
Atwood, Harry
Atwell building
At war against the axis
ATV tracks in Superior National Forest trail.
A TV Station
A tutorial on hyperbolic conservation laws. Lecture 4
A tutorial on hyperbolic conservation laws. Lecture 3
A tutorial on hyperbolic conservation laws. Lecture 2
A tutorial on hyperbolic conservation laws. Lecture 1
A Tuneful Land
A Tugboat
Attractors of Non-Autonomous Stochastic Lattice Systems
Attractor networks and bumps
At Tours. The YMCA takes wounded soldiers for a day's outing. They are shown here just as they are leaving the hospital.
Attorney General Wallace B. Douglas approaching a porcupine
Attorney General (Illinois), William Clark
Attorney General (Illinois), William Clark
Attorney General Douglas with porcupine
Attic scene for Benedict Arnold degree.
At The Zoo
At the sign of the red triangle : the Y.M.C.A. keeps the home ties from breaking ; help take the red triangle to our
At the shoreline of a beach with a lighthouse in the distance
At the monument of the elephants
At the Latvian House
At the Interface of Stochastic Networks and Systems Biology
At the Gabbro portage, a clumsy but not too heavy load
At the front! : every fit Briton should join our brave men at the front. : enlist now.
At The Federal Reserve Bank
At the Edge of Harlem : Portrait of a Middle-class Negro Family
At the dinner table
At the art gallery
Attention! : the attention of all young men, who are citizens of the United States, is invited to the advantages inc
Attendents feeding and grooming the tagged queen.
Attendees of district meeting
Attendees of demonstration
Attendees in the James Ford Bell Museum of Natural History, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Attendees in tent at groundbreaking ceremony for the Kathryn A. Martin Library
Attendees at the Goldfine Apartments dedication banquet
Attendants on [sic.] the Raja Khurruk Singh.
Attendance Sheet for Intermediate Technique class
Attendance Sheet for Improvisation class
Attendance Chart for Public Health Campaign in Changsha, Hunan
AT&T and ACM Sponsorship Agreement Signing (Box 4, Folder 18)
Attack attack attack : buy war bonds
Attack attack attack : buy war bonds
Attack attack attack : buy war bonds
Attaching back tag to ruffed grouse (3 of 3)
Attaching back tag (2 of 3)
Attaching back tag (1 of 3)
ATS : every member of the ATS learns a job that will help her to earn her living in a post-war world ...
A.T.S. : ask for information at the nearest employment exchange or at any army or A.T.S. recruiting centre
At sable pass
A Truck Parking Availability Notification System Based on Computer Vision
Atropa belladonna, poisonous
A troop of girl guides entering the parade assembly grounds.
A troop of Boy Scouts inserted in the parade to give relief to comrades who got tired.
At : Roebling : we can : stiffen the axis! : and : help : Uncle Sam : win : the war -- with wire! : the navy said we