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1993 - 200 of 211510 results
Gorger Falls on the Baptism River
Gorger Falls on the Baptism River
Gouty - Vein Gall of Acer
Gouty - Vein Gall of Acer
Gprge amd Stream below Twin Falls, Yoho Valley
Granite rocks in the Lake Superior region
Grape Filbert Gall
Grape Filbert Gall
Grape phylloxera gall on grape leaf
Grape phylloxera gall on grape leaf
Graphis scripta on balsam
Graphis scripta on birch
Graphis scripta on birch
Grasslands of Montana showing early stages of erosion
Gravel beach beyond Grand Marais
Gravel beach beyond Grand Marais
Great Blue Lobelia and Cardinal Flower on the bank of the St. Croix River
Great Blue Lobelia and Cardinal Flower on the bank of the St. Croix River
Great breakers coming in from the Pacific
Great dike projecting above the slate
Great forest devastated by fires
Great Terraces at the Mammoth Hot Springs
Great wave
Green Bracted Habenaria
Green pond scum, Spirogyra, near view
Grindelia squarrosa
Grindelia squarrosa
Ground Cherries, Chinese Lantern, Apple of Peri
Ground vegetation
Gull's nest, near view
Gwinn's Bluff 15 miles south of Winona
Gwinn's Bluff 15 miles south of Winona
Gymnocladus dioica leaf
Gymnocladus dioica leaf
Gyromitra sp.
Gyrophora dillenii
Gyrophora dillenii
Gyrophora muhlenbergii
Gyrophora vellea
Gyrophyra, close up
Gyrophyra, close up
Habenaria bifolia (Plantanthera bifolia)
Habenaria blephariglottis (Platanthera blephariglottis)
Habenaria dilatata (Platanthera dilatata)
Habenaria hookeri (Platanthera hookeri)
Habenaria hookeri (Platanthera hookeri)
Habenaria hyperborea (Plantathera hyperborea)
Habenaria hyperborea (Plantathera hyperborea)
Habenaria lacera (Platanthera lacera)
Habenaria obtusata (Platanthera obtusata)
Habenaria obtusata (Platanthera obtusata)
Habenaria obtusata (Platanthera obtusata)
Habenaria orbiculata (Platanthera orbiculata)
Habenaria orbiculata (Platanthera orbiculata)
Habenaria orbiculata (Platanthera orbiculata)
Habenaria psycodes, close up
Habenaria psycodes (Platanthera psycodes)
Habenaria psycodes (Platanthera psycodes)
Habitat in South Park, Colorado near Hartsel
Halosaccion at low tide
Halosaccion on the rocks at the Minnesota Seaside Station
Hamamelis flowers, leaves falling
Hamamelis flowers, leaves falling
Hamamelis virginiana leaf and flower
Hamamelis virginica in flower
Harbell on a cliff near Mendota
Head and Mouth parts of Bee
Head of Helianthus (Haplopappus), arrangement of seeds
Head of Helianthus (Haplopappus), arrangement of seeds, close-up
Head of Queen and Drone Bee
Hedera helix root climber
Hedera helix root climber
Hedgehog Gall of Quercus alba
Hedophyllum and eel grass at low tide
Helenium autumnale
Helenium autumnale
Helenium autumnale
Helianthus decapetalus
Helianthus, giant and dwarf with Mr. Cuzner holding same
Helianthus giganteus
Helianthus maximiliani, close up
Helianthus maximiliani, near view
Helianthus petiolaris
Helianthus petiolaris
Helianthus tuberosus
Helianthus tuberosus with plan background
Helienthus hirsutus
Heliopsis helianthoides (Heliopsis scabra)
Helvella crispa
Helvella crispa
Helvella lacunosa
Hepatica acutifolia
Hepatica acutiloba (Hepatica nobilis)
Hepatica acutiloba (Hepatica nobilis)
Hepatica acutiloba (Hepatica nobilis)
Hepatica acutiloba (Hepatica nobilis)
Hepatica acutiloba (Hepatica nobilis)
Heptica triloba
Heracleum lanalum
Heracleum lanatum