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18948 - 20 of 211350 results
Asklepios head
A sketch of the life and projects of John Law of Lauriston, comptroller general of the finances in France.
A Sketch of Cutch, the Runn, and Countries Adjacent.
A sketch map of part of south eastern Africa to illustrate the journeys of Dr. Lacerda (1798), the Pombeiros (1806-11), and Major Monteiro (1831-1832)
As it is necessary to oil the bearings of machines, just so the fibres of fine leather. . .Charlotte Leather Belting
Asiæ nova descriptio
Asiæ nova descriptio
A single plant of Astragalus caryocarpus, ground plum, in the grass (Atragalus crassicarpus)
A single Amaranthus inflorescence, Saint Paul Campus
A singing lesson at the Children's Palace, an after-school learning studio