Digital image created for an online gaming group. The image shows a blue and gold icon with the words "Twisted Tree Line House" with the word "Line" crossed out. This item is related to "Interview with Brittany V. Hecker."
Hecker, Brittany V.
Contributed By:
Archives and Special Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth
Exact same openings as in Twin Cities Scenic Company collection M141. This is a possible backdrop for the The M.O.V.P.E.R. Grotto's Haunted Forest and demon infested borderland from Act II, scene i.
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Performing Arts Archives.
A central problem of materials science is to determine atomic structure from macroscopic measurements. Von Laue developed a theoretical method that was put into practice and popularized by Bragg, based on the scattering of plane waves by a crystal lattice. Recently, new structures have emerged like buckyballs (Nobel Prize, Chemistry, 1996) and g...
James, Richard D. (University of Minnesota, Twin Cities)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.