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1945 - 100 of 213793 results
Irma Hartley and another young adult laughing with their arms around each other's waists
Irma Hartley and another young adult riding a canoe rowed by another person on Cass Lake
Irma Hartley and another young adult sitting next to each other by a house
Irma Hartley and Helen Clara Congdon standing next to an unidentified person holding two fish hanging off hooks
Irma Hartley and James Verner Claypool sitting together on a canoe
Irma Hartley and James Verner Claypool standing with another unidentified person in the woods near the maple sugar camp in Trout Lake
Irma Hartley and Katie Richardson sitting together by the Dana Hall School
Irma Hartley and Marjorie Congdon sitting on a couch by a table in their room at the Dana Hall School
Irma Hartley and Mary Paine standing together on a balcony in Venice
Irma Hartley and Ruth Huggins fencing under the guidance of a fencing master at the Dana Hall School
Irma Hartley bent over laughing on the steps to a house
Irma Hartley holding a baby on her back in front of the cabin at the maple sugar camp in Trout Lake
Irma Hartley holding Caroline Claypool in a basket on her back in front of the cabin at the maple sugar camp in Trout Lake
Irma Hartley holding Guilford "Gil" Hartley upside down next to Julia M. in a yard in Cass Lake
Irma Hartley leaning over the side of a boat on Cass Lake with another person
Irma Hartley on a canoe with four other young adults on Cass Lake
Irma Hartley on a tennis court
Irma Hartley on a walkway in front of the Hartley house at 1305 East Superior Street
Irma Hartley peeking from a window well behind two children outside the Hartley house at 1305 East Superior Street
Irma Hartley petting a dog by the cabin at the maple sugar camp in Trout Lake
Irma Hartley playing tug-of-war with a dog by the cabin at the maple sugar camp in Trout Lake
Irma Hartley pushing another child in a stroller in front of the Hartley house at 1305 East Superior Street
Irma Hartley sitting at a desk in her room at the Dana Hall School
Irma Hartley sitting in a chair
Irma Hartley sitting in a chair on the front porch of a house with Judith Claypool in her lap
Irma Hartley sitting in the grass by a tree in Deerwood
Irma Hartley sitting next to another young adult on Cass Lake
Irma Hartley sitting with another person on a hammock near the maple sugar camp in Trout Lake
Irma Hartley sitting with three others including a small child on the archway of the front porch of the Hartley house at 1305 East Superior Street
Irma Hartley standing by a cabin at Cass Lake
Irma Hartley standing by a car while holding the hand of a small child and a baby
Irma Hartley standing in between James Verner Claypool and another unidentified person in the woods at the maple sugar camp in Trout Lake
Irma Hartley standing in front of a cabin at Wolf Lake
Irma Hartley standing in the snow
Irma Hartley standing in the snow in front of the Dana Hall School
Irma Hartley standing in the snow in front of the Dana Hall School
Irma Hartley standing in the woods near the maple sugar camp in Trout Lake
Irma Hartley standing next to another person by a marsh on Wolf Lake
Irma Hartley standing next to another person leading a pair of horses dragging logs at the maple sugar camp in Trout Lake
Irma Hartley standing next to a tour guide and another unidentified person in between two stone columns
Irma Hartley standing on a walkway in a white dress
Irma Hartley standing on the front steps of the Hartley house at 1305 East Superior Street
Irma Hartley standing on top of a wooden shelter at the maple sugar camp in Trout Lake
Irma Hartley standing outside the Hartley house at 1305 East Superior Street
Irma Hartley standing up against a building
Irma Hartley standing up against the wall of a temple along the Nile River
Irma Hartley standing with A.M. Miller, a friend, and "Count Bertie" along the railing of the SS Kaiserin Auguste Victoria
Irma Hartley standing with another young adult in a clearing in Cass Lake
Irma Hartley standing with another young adult in a sports field at the Dana Hall School
Irma Hartley standing with two others outside of a house