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1996 - 200 of 211506 results
Lepiota morganii (Chlorophyllum molybdites), close up
Lepiota naucina
Lepiota naucina (Leucoagaricus leucothites)
Lepiota naucina (Leucoagaricus leucothites)
Lepiota naucina (Leucoagaricus leucothites)
Lepiota sp.
Lepiota sp.
Lespedeza capitata
Lessonia littoralis (Lessoniopsis littoralis)
Leucanthemum vulgare
Liatris aspera
Liatris aspera
Liatris pycnostachya
Liatris pycnostachya
Liberty Cap at the Mammoth Hot Springs
Lichen covered tree trunk, Larix laricina
Lichen covered tree trunk, Larix laricina
Lichen covered tree trunk, Larix laricina
Lichen covered tree trunk, Larix laricina, close up
Lichen covered twigs of Larix laricina
Lichen covered twigs of Larix laricina
Lichen covered twigs of Larix laricina, close up
Lichen draped Larix laricina
Lichen draped Larix laricina, another view
Lichen, Parmelia capirata
Lichens, Cetraria ciliaris
Lichens, Cladonia, scarlet tips
Lichens, Cladonia, sterile, cup-life
Lichens, coral-like, and twigs of sumac
Lichens, coral-like, and twigs of sumac, close up
Lichens, Graphis seripta on balsam
Lichens, Graphis seripta on balsam
Lichens, Graphis seripta on balsam
Lichens, Graphis seripta on balsam
Lichens, Graphis seripta on balsam
Lichens on fallen log, Cladonia palamaea
Lichens on fallen log, close-up, Cladonia squamosa
Lichens on log, foliose
Lichens on rocks, Rosette
Lichens on twig of Larix laricina, close up
Lichens on twig of Larix laricina, several species
Lichens on twig of Larix laricina, several species
Lichens on twig of Larix laricina, several species
Lichens, Parmelia caperata on black spruce
Lichens, Parmelia caperata on black spruce, near view
Lichens, Peltigera
Lichens, Reindeer moss
Lichens, stereocaulon
Lichens, stereocaulon
Lichens, stereocaulon, close up
Lichens, Usnea near Connecticut Warblers nest
Lichens, Usnea near Connecticut Warblers nest
Lichens, Usnea with other lichens
Life cycle of a fern, diagram
Life cycle of a fern, diagram
Lilac buds
Lilac buds
Lilac buds
Lilac buds
Lilium philadelphicum
Lilium superbum
Lilium superbum
Lilium superbum
Lilium superbum
Lilium superbum
Lily, flowers and bud
Lily pads at Como Park
Lily pads at Como Park
Lily, showing pollinating moth
Limestone Cliff below the Washington Avenue Bridge
Limestone Cliff, Prdovician, near the Washington Avenue Bridge over the Mississippi River
Limestone rock cliff near the Botany greenhouse on campus
Linaria vulgaris
Linaria vulgaris
Linaria vulgaris
Linaria vulgaris
Linnaea borealis
Linnaea borealis
Linnaea borealis
Linnaea borealis
Linnaea borealis, close up
Linnaea borealis in fruit
Linnaea borealis, nearer view
Liparis liliifolia
Liparis loeselii
Listera cordata
Listera cordata
Lithospermum angustifolium
Lithospermum canescens
Lithospermum canescens
Lithospermum canescens
Lithospermum canescens, near view
Lithospermum gmelini
Loaded Corbiculae of Bee's leg
Loading the boat with drift-wood
Lobed Oak Gall of Quercus alba
Lobelia cardinalis