The human brain is a network containing a hundred billion neurons, each communicating with several thousand others. As the wiring for neuronal communication draws on limited space and energy resources, evolution had to optimize their use. This principle of minimizing wiring costs explains many features of brain architecture, including placement ...
Chklovskii, Dmitri (Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
When computational constraints prohibit model evaluation at all but a small number of parameter settings, a dimension-reduced emulator of the system can be constructed and interrogated at arbitrary parameter regimes. Existing approaches to emulation consider models with deterministic output. However, in many cases the underlying mathematical mod...
Chkrebtii, Oksana (The Ohio State University)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
Chloe Pickwell tells the story of her mother's family migration to the United States from Scottland in the 1600s. The family worked mainly in agriculture.
Chloe Pickwell
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Immigration History Research Center
Na Choih is a Korean non-binary activist based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. At the time of this interview, they worked as the Youth Leadership Mentor for Climate Generation, a Twin Cities-based environmental justice organization. In this oral history interview, Choih discusses their upbringing and initial forays into trans politics, environmental ...
Jay Choi shares his perspective as a full-time college student from South Korea living in Duluth during the time of the COVID-19 pandemic. He shares stories about first hearing about the virus in China and how his parents in South Korea were texting him that it was a serious issue. He describes hearing about testing and tracking being done in So...
Choi, Jay
Wright, Brooke
Contributed By:
Archives and Special Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth
Vincent Choi was born in Hong Kong in 1994. Though Vincent did not try very hard in high school, he decided to move to the United States and go to school to become a surgeon.
Choi, Vincent
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Immigration History Research Center
We build a multi-agent economic model as a dynamical system on a compact set, and show that the market instability is closely related to the leverage. The higher the leverage the greater the reaction of market participants to changes in their wealth. This gives rise to a bifurcation mechanism, and eventually a strong dynamical instability in cap...
Choi, Youngna (Montclair State University)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
JeongHeon Cho experienced the frustrations of setting up a new life in Japan after moving there from South Korea to study. Transactions which were simple back home and came naturally to Japanese were confusing to an outsider unfamiliar with the system and the language.
Cho, JeongHeon
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Immigration History Research Center