10:50 - 11:00 a.m. Tape Opens: Music. Tape Closes: "... Minnesota School of the Air." Music out. ANNCR: one dollar to the Minnesota School of the Air brings your teacher manual. Only one dollar and the teachers manual will be on its way to you. 550 Rarig Center 330 21st Avenue South, Minneapolis, 55455. Send before MIDNIGHT tonight and you can s...
University of Minnesota. Radio Station KUOM
1977-11-30; 1978-12-06
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University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.
ANN: You have been listening to American Nature Writers with Dr. Charles Sugnet, Associate Professor of English at the University of Minesota. This course and the following course may be taken for four University of Minnesota credits through the Department of Independent Study. There is a study manual and also a free listener's guide.
University of Minnesota. Radio Station KUOM
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University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.
The form of drama, conditions and preconceptions in any criticism of the arts is the topic presented by Dr. John Hurrell from the University of Minnesota department of English and Theater Arts
University of Minnesota. Radio Station KUOM
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.
The proportions of the problem of mental illness and mental health in our society - as discussed by representatives of several disciplines, all of which are working to extend our understanding of one of the most challenging social problems facing us today. The series focuses attention on the emotional health of everyone, as well as reviewing the...
University of Minnesota. Radio Station KUOM; University of Minnesota. Audio Visual Library Services
Blum, Fred. H.; Ziebarth, Elmer William
1957-06-01; 1957-06-06
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.
Introduction for Debra Hawhee & Richard Graff, John Logie, Tim Behme, and Beth Schoborg. The Colloquium on Modern Rhetoric will focus on modern rhetorical theory. In the 19th century, the university had not yet fragmented into contemporary disciplinary structures. By 1900, literary studies, psychology and philosophy had differentiated. By 1920, ...
Institute for Advanced Study
Leone, Eden
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University of Minnesota, Institute for Advanced Study.
Introduction for Joshua Gunn and Michael Pfau. The Colloquium on Modern Rhetoric will focus on modern rhetorical theory. In the 19th century, the university had not yet fragmented into contemporary disciplinary structures. By 1900, literary studies, psychology and philosophy had differentiated. By 1920, speech-communication coalesced as its own ...
Institute for Advanced Study
Beard, David; Davis, Anne; Smith, Susannah
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Advanced Study.
Introduction for William Hendeson. The Colloquium on Modern Rhetoric will focus on modern rhetorical theory. In the 19th century, the university had not yet fragmented into contemporary disciplinary structures. By 1900, literary studies, psychology and philosophy had differentiated. By 1920, speech-communication coalesced as its own intellectual...
Institute for Advanced Study
Read, Cheryl
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University of Minnesota, Institute for Advanced Study.
Professor Miranda, professor of economics and Biblical Exegiss at Metropolitan University in Mexico City, spke last month at Augsburg College in the Twin Cities on the subject "Is God on the Side of the Poor? How Wester Interpretation Favors the Rich."
University of Minnesota. Radio Station KUOM
Miranda, Jose Porfirio; Marlow, Andrew (Producer); Carpenter, T. (Engineer)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.
Speaker provides remarks including biographical information prior to introducing Professor Val Woodward. Woodward begins the speech by thanking the speaker for the introduction and provides a preface to the speech on “Genetic Effects of Rapid Ecological Change.”
University of Minnesota. Radio Station KUOM
Woodward, Val
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University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.
The New World of Knowledge Series is presented in cooperation with COntinuing Education for Women and is equivalent to HUmanities Course 4-021. The series includes a variety of subjects such as astronomy, origin of life, genetics, antrhopology, sociology and literature. Director of Continuing Education for Women, Mrs. L. Roff and Program Coordin...
University of Minnesota. Radio Station KUOM
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.
Professor John Hurrell continues to outline the structure of the course. Later, he introduces the book "Loss of the Self in Modern Literature" by Willie Sypher. This book pulls together a number of ideas which best exemplify a disciplinary approach.
University of Minnesota. Radio Station KUOM
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University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.
I am planning to convey a feel for the area by touching upon its history, its general features, the current directions, etc., paving the way for the more technical lectures by others.
Dafermos, Constantine (Brown University)
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University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
The purpose of this opening lecture is to ground the participants in a few of the basic definitions of cosheaf theory and introduce some open problems. By studying sheaves and cosheaves associated to stratified maps, I'll propose a definition in terms of assignments to basic open sets and state a result in terms of Kan extensions. This perspecti...
Curry, Justin (University at Albany (SUNY))
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
A cutting-plane (cut) is a linear inequality that is valid for all feasible solutions of an integer program, but may separate points from the linear programming relaxation. We will survey some of the main ideas that have been explored to generate cutting-planes for general integer programs. Finally, we will focus on some insights that have been ...
Dey, Santanu (Georgia Institute of Technology)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
The purpose of this tutorial is to give an introduction tofinite element exterior calculus, targeted to an audience which isreasonably familiar with topics like ellipticpartial differential equations, Sobolev spaces, and finite elementmethods. We will first give a brief review of some of the fundamentalconcepts of exterior calculus, such as inte...
Winther, Ragnar (University of Oslo)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
There are several connections between algorithms for classical persistent homology, representations of persistence modules, and computational algebra. The connections to matrix algebra and linear algebra are relatively well known, and anchored in how the community works with and talks about algorithms. Far less pervasive, but a good source of in...
Vejdemo-Johansson, Mikael (Royal Institute of Technology (KTH))
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
Valentine Cadieux, Tracey Deutsch, and Ann Waltner introduce the Minnesota Futures Symposium How We Talk about Feeding the World. The goal of this symposium is to build on frameworks for discussing the complex and often contentious issues that challenge interdisciplinary attempts to talk about food politics. In five panels and a series of discus...
Institute for Advanced Study
Cadieux, Valentine; Deutsch, Tracey; Waltner, Ann
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Advanced Study.
Introduction to MAYA: Hidden Worlds RevealedEd Fleming, Curator of Archaeology, Science Museum of MinnesotaPart of the 2013 Symposium on Resilience and Sustainability, organized by the IAS in partnership with the Science Museum of Minnesota, the Maya Society of Minnesota, and Hamline University.
Institute for Advanced Study
Fleming, Ed
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Advanced Study.
This talk will summarize the basics of persistent homology, including Rips and Cech complexes, filtrations, homology, the structure theorem for persistence modules, and barcodes.This introductory talk is designed to reinforce the mathematical foundations of persistent homology, preparing participants for the subsequent talks in this workshop.
Wright, Matthew (St. Olaf College)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.