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1948 - 100 of 211350 results
Mallard Duck in hiding, juvenile
Mallard Duck, juvenile
Mallard Duck, juvenile
Mallard duck nest under gooseberry branch at Long Meadow Gun Club
Mallard duck's nest and eggs, large
Mallard duck's nest concealed in grass
Mallard nest
Mallards and Ringnecks
Mammatus Clouds
Mammilaria vivipara (Escobaria vivipara), flower and buds
Mammillaria vivipara (Escobaria vivipara), clump in flower
Mammillaria vivipara (Escobaria vivipara), mass in rocks
Mandarin Duck, illustration from "Birds of the World"
Man holding open William Payne Pycraft's book, "History of Birds" to capture an illustration of feather hooklets
"Manicuring Bee" at Brook Lodge with Mrs. Young, Mrs. Sidler, and Mrs. Roberts
Man in laboratory, Dairy, Purity, copy
Man placing milk glasses into box, Dairy, Purity, copy
Man standing next to car on Silver Creek Bluff, Two Harbors, Lake Superior, North Shore
Man standing on a road beyond Grand Portage, Lake Superior, North Shore
Man standing on muddy road next to Lutsen, Lake Superior, North Shore
Man standing on rocky shoreline
Man walking along Cross River east of Tofte, Lake Superior, North Shore
Map of Churchill Nonala Manitoba
Map of Minnesota
Map of Minnesota, railroad commission
Map of North America in Cretaceous Age image from Henry Fairfield Osborn, "Origin and Evolution of Life"
Map of Sand Point Lake, Crane Lake, and Lac La Croix
Map, zoological geographical of North America from the 4th Province, 3rd E.S. A.C.U. Checklist
Map, zoological geographical of North America from the 4th Province, 3rd E.S. A.C.U. Checklist
Marbled Godwit nest and eggs
Marbled Godwit nest and eggs
Margaret and Jack Wentling, portrait
Margaret Wulling and Sam Graham in a canoe in the Mississippi River at the point where the river leaves the lake
Marguerite holding specimen of Greater Solomons Seal
Marjorie Seybold
Marsh Hawk adult at nest, side view
Marsh Hawk, chart showing kinds and weights of food
Marsh Hawk, chart showing number of captures and transfers
Marsh Hawk, feeding curve calculated for entire nest period, chart
Marsh Hawk, graph showing number of feedings
Marsh Hawk habitat
Marsh Hawk habitat
Marsh Hawk nest and eggs
Marsh Hawk nest and eggs
Marsh Hawk nest and six eggs
Marsh Hawk nest and six eggs
Marsh Hawk nest and six eggs