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1910 - 20 of 211506 results
Plate 417 (Plate CDXVII), Maria's Woodpecker, Three-toed Woodpecker, Phillips' Woodpecker, Canadian Woodpecker, Harris's Woodpecker, Audubon's Woodpecker
Plate 418 (Plate CDXVIII), American Ptarmigan, White-tailed Grous
Plate 419 (Plate CDXIX), Little Tawny Thrush, Ptiliogony's Townsendi, Canada Jay
Plate 420 (Plate CDXX), Prairie Starling
Plate 421 (Plate CDXXI), Brown Pelican, No, 85
Plate 422 (Plate CDXXII), Rough-legged Falcon
Plate 423 (Plate CDXXIII), Plumed-Partridge, Thick-legged Patridge
Plate 424 (Plate CDXXIV), Lazuli Finch, Crimson-necked Bull-finch, Grey-crowned Linnet, Cow-pen Bird, Evening Grosbeak, Brown Longspur
Plate 425 (Plate CDXXV), Columbian Humming Bird
Plate 426 (Plate CDXXVI), Californian Vulture