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2001 - 200 of 213760 results
Azalea blooming on April 4, 2012, a very early spring. St. Paul campus of the University of Minnesota.
Ayude a los niños con el SIDA
A Y-sponsored health station in a remote Philippines village never lacks for patients. These stations are part of the YMCA's nation-building program in the "barrios."
A young woman with baby in the hospital
A young woman in a red striped apron pushes a patient in a wheelchair at Mount Sinai Hospital, Minneapolis, Minnesota
A Young Student
A Young Native of Rank at Calcutta; One of the Students of the Hindu College.
A Young McCarthy Playing Hockey
A young Hmong girl poses for a picture, Ban Vinai camp on the background
A Young Hill Raja.
A young girl sitting at a window, with a group of stuffed animals placed there for a neighborhood bear hunt
A young girl reads from the torah during a Bat Mitzvah ceremony at Shir Tikvah
A young girl plays with a stroller at a childcare center as part of a program with the National Council of Jewish Women
A young girl makes clay figures during a ceramics class at Mount Zion Temple, St. Paul, Minnesota
A young child in jumping in a living room full of toys and children's artwork
A young camper at the Jack Butwin Memorial Day Camp shows two other campers how to build a fire
A young Cambodian mother and child
A young boy plays on outdoor playground equipment at the St. Paul Jewish Community Center Centerland Camp
A YMCA worker starting out to advanced positions with smokes for lookout men
A YMCA woman stops to pass the time of day and a bite of chocolate to an American trooper in France.
A YMCA woman ministering to a wounded soldeir in a field hospital in France.
A YMCA unit on wheels. The American soldier today expects his service from the Association to be just as regular as his meals. Motor trucks such as this are used to reach the men stationed far from base camps at outlying posts, guarding railways, bri...
A YMCA in France
A YMCA Canteen Worker in 'The Great War': The Diaries and Letters of Emma Young Dickson (Box 6)
Ayers, Horace Beemer: Carlton County: forests, water, power, fire (Box 01, Folder 01)
Ayers, Horace Beemer: Carlton County: barometric readings (Box 01, Folder 01)
Ayers, Ellsworth Bowman
Ayers, Ellsworth Bowman
A 'Y' Entertainment at the Front.
Aye Mi San
Aye Brothers 1922 Seed Catalog
Aye Brothers 1914 Seed Catalog
A Year with Uncle Sam, Being the Story of How a Kid Grew Up, by Frank Eisenberg (Box 1, Folder 15)
A Year from now : what will I wish I had done today?
Ayan Omar
A Yak at the County Fair
Ax-Heu Wir wollen nicht unseren Kindern und Nachkommen hinterlassen, was wir selbst tun konnen HERMANN GORING
Axe throwing, class of 1938
Axel N. Johnson apartments
Axel and Mamie Mackie
"Aw, take the day off, pal, what have you got to lose?" : lay-offs cost lives : keep 'em firing!
A World Republic of Letters Overlooked by Pascale Casanova: The Literary International Between the Wars
A World of Song
A World in Processes
A Workman gossiped : don't talk : about your war job : an enemy agent acted
A worker at Lyndale Auto Parts strips a junk car, Minneapolis, Minnesota
A wood carving - this represents an important industry in Hangchow. Belgium was the largest customer before the war.
A wood carrier - All wood is bought in this shape and carried in this way.
A Wonderful opportunity for you : United States Navy : see the world, save money, learn a trade and serve their coun
A Woman With Food Outside
A woman wearing a scarf aboard the ship USAT (United States Army Transport)
A Woman Vice President? with Jeri Rasmussen, Charles Backstrom and Gloria Griffin
A woman speaks at the Jewish Home for the Aged, Minnesota
A woman sits at a computer while a patient gets a procedure at Mount Sinai Hospital, Minneapolis, Minnesota
A woman serves punch to members of the Mount Sinai Auxiliary during a hospital party, Minneapolis, Minnesota
A woman runs tests in the lab at Mount Sinai Hospital, Minneapolis, Minnesota
A woman puts makeup on a young child dressed as Raggedy Ann during an event at the St. Paul Jewish Community Center
A woman on the Island of Three Sisters, Niagara Falls.
A woman of the National Council of Jewish Women stands with a boy at Benjamin Drew Elementary School, St. Paul, Minnesota
A woman of the National Council of Jewish Women looks at shells with a girl at Benjamin Drew Elementary School, St. Paul, Minnesota
A woman of the National Council of Jewish Women helps three girls at Benjamin Drew Elementary School, St. Paul, Minnesota
A woman of the National Council of Jewish Women helps three boys at Benjamin Drew Elementary School, St. Paul, Minnesota
A woman of the National Council of Jewish Women helps a girl at the chalk board at Benjamin Drew Elementary School, St. Paul, Minnesota
A woman of the National Council of Jewish Women helps a girl at Benjamin Drew Elementary School, St. Paul, Minnesota
A woman of the National Council of Jewish Women helps a boy with crayons at Benjamin Drew Elementary School, St. Paul, Minnesota
A woman of the National Council of Jewish Women helps a boy in the library at Benjamin Drew Elementary School, St. Paul, Minnesota
A woman of the National Council of Jewish Women helps a boy in the library at Benjamin Drew Elementary School, St. Paul, Minnesota
A woman of the National Council of Jewish Women helps a boy in the library at Benjamin Drew Elementary School, St. Paul, Minnesota
A woman of the National Council of Jewish Women helps a boy in the library at Benjamin Drew Elementary School, St. Paul, Minnesota
A woman of the National Council of Jewish Women helps a boy in the library at Benjamin Drew Elementary School, St. Paul, Minnesota
A woman of the National Council of Jewish Women helps a boy at Benjamin Drew Elementary School, St. Paul, Minnesota
A woman of the National Council of Jewish Women helps a boy at Benjamin Drew Elementary School, St. Paul, Minnesota
A woman of the National Council of Jewish Women helps a boy at Benjamin Drew Elementary School, St. Paul, Minnesota
A woman of the National Council of Jewish Women helps a boy at Benjamin Drew Elementary School, St. Paul, Minnesota
A woman of the National Council of Jewish Women helps a boy at Benjamin Drew Elementary School, St. Paul, Minnesota
A woman of the National Council of Jewish Women helps a boy at Benjamin Drew Elementary School, St. Paul, Minnesota
A woman of the National Council of Jewish Women helps a boy at Benjamin Drew Elementary School, St. Paul, Minnesota
A woman looks at an article of clothing at the Mount Sinai Gift Shop while a volunteer stands behind the counter and assists, Minneapolis, Minnesota
A woman lights a menorah in celebration of Israel's 35th anniversary
A woman in carriage
A woman in a fur coat at the National Council of Jewish Women sponsored Country Store, St. Paul, Minnesota
A woman holds greeting card samples for Mount Sinai Hospital Women's Auxiliary, Minneapolis, Minnesota
A woman helps two young children peel potatoes at the St. Paul Jewish Community Center
A woman doing piece work in a tenement apartment.
A woman doing laundry
A woman carrying a small child picks out cookies from a platter during a Mount Sinai Auxiliary hospital party, Minneapolis, Minnesota
A Woman Called Trouble
A Woman Bishop? with Joan Morris
A woman and man look over findings while at a machine at Mount Sinai Hospital, Minneapolis, Minnesota
A Wise : old owl : sat in an oak the more he saw the less he spoke the less he spoke the more he heard : soldier ...
A windy road to a happy heart
A wild species of cacao: Theobsoma
A wider shot of the embroidery shop
A Weekend With Sherlock Holmes
A Weak Convergence Approach to Inventory Control Using a Long-term Average Criterion
A Way Back
A Waveform Strategy for Detection of Targets in Multiplicative Clutter
A wave breaking over Postelsia Point
A War to Remember by Bell I. Wiley
Awards Ceremony (Box 4, Folder 17)