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1951 - 100 of 211350 results
Mrs. Drummond
Mrs. Drummond, portrait
Mrs. Gatzman at Englis Glen farm
Mrs. Gaylord Davidson, Frances S.
Mrs. Green and Mrs. Breckenridge in Churchill, Manitoba
Mrs. Jaques on beach, rocky shoreline and islands on Lake Superior
Mrs. Roberts at Burntside Lake, St. Louis County
Mrs. Thomas Cleveland Roberts holding son Thomas Reaser Roberts
Mrs. Walter J. Breckenridge and Chippewayau boys
Mrs. Young and Mrs. Sidler on hammock at the lodge
Mr. W.C. Eigon fishing
Mr. Wood
Mud Lake and mud flats
Mud Lake, looking South from West shore
Mud River near Mud Lake
Mud River near Mud Lake in Marshall County
Mulleins ready to blow
Muskrat and Shorebird background, landscape
Muskrat background
Muskrat background
Muskrat background
Muskrat house
Muskrat house, image of a mounted print photograph
Narcissus study
Nashville Warbler background
Nashville Warbler Background
Nashville Warbler nest and eggs
Nashville Warbler nest and eggs
Nashville Warbler nest and eggs
Near view of "Don M."
negatives made at Warroad, boat in lake
negatives made at Warroad, bridge
negatives of a photograph of a man holding an octopus
negatives of a photograph of two figures standing on rocks along a coast
negatives of picture of Thomas Cleveland Roberts at 26 days old sitting in his father's lap
Neland children
Nelson Sparrow country
Nelson Sparrow nest
Nest and eggs of Barn Owl, from a mounted print photograph
Nest and eggs of Florida Gallinule
Nest and eggs of Herring Gull, Cormorant Rock
Nest and eggs of Lark Finch, two Cowbird eggs
Nest and eggs of Least Bittern
Nest and eggs of Least Bittern, large
Nest at Heron Lake
Nest, Common Tern
Nest Common Tern
Nest of Lark Finch with eggs
Nest of Least Flycatcher, birch bark construction