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Cavity plate for tablet triturate mold
Cavity plate for tablet triturate mold
Cavour and Carrie Eliza Hartley sitting on a set of stone steps with two others
Cavour and Edward Williams Hartley lying in the grass in front of the Hartley house at 1305 East Superior Street
Cavour and Guilford "Gil" Hartley posing together in a study
Cavour and Guilford "Gil" Hartley standing with a group of five other people in the driveway of the Hartley house at 1305 East Superior Street
Cavour and Guilford Graham Hartley standing together
Cavour and Irma Hartley standing with Carolyn Warmington Munger and James Verner Claypool on a pathway at the maple sugar camp in Trout Lake
Cavour and Judith Hartley standing with a baby carriage holding a doll
Cavour Hartley and another person sawing a log together at the maple sugar camp in Trout Lake
Cavour Hartley and another person sawing a log together at the maple sugar camp in Trout Lake
Cavour Hartley and another person sitting on a log together at the maple sugar camp in Trout Lake
Cavour Hartley and Carolyn Warmington Munger standing on a frozen lake in front of a cabin at Tettegouche State Park
Cavour Hartley and Carolyn Warmington Munger together with their sons John, Alfred, and David Hartley on a tennis court
Cavour Hartley and Douglas Hammond Lewis chopping a log in Tettegouche State Park
Cavour Hartley, Bill Smith, Doc Huderle, and Guilford "Gil" Hartley sitting together on a couch inspecting arrows
Cavour Hartley, Doc Huderle, Guilford "Gil" Hartley, and Ely S. gutting a dead deer hanging from a tree
Cavour Hartley doing a handstand with his feet and knees up against the outside of the Hartley house at 1305 East Superior Street
Cavour Hartley family trip to Chicago and New York State
Cavour Hartley family visit to Judith Hartley Lewis in Miami, Florida - Blimps at Miami Beach - Seaplanes - Flight to Havana, Cuba - Cooper River Bridge, Charlestown, SC - Allied Chemical Plant, Hopewell, VA - Hartley family golfing - Footrace - Captain Horace H. Thompson diving in Lake Superior - Trap shooting - Small planes at Otis Lodge on Sugar Lake