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2005 - 200 of 213760 results
Folwell Hall, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Folwell, Sadie Heywood
Folwell, William Watts
Folwell, William Watts
Folwell, William Watts
Folwell, William Watts
Folwell, William Watts
Folwell, William Watts
Folwell, William Watts
Folwell, William Watts
Foochow: Passing of the "old" and the coming of the "new."
Food Adjuncts
Food Adjuncts, Flavor from leaves, Salvia: Sage
Food, Nuts
Food Services, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Football Game at Northrop Field
Football helmet
Football player or coach stands with a football with spectators behind, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Football stadium band music and sound effect with stadium announcer Julius Perlt
Foot scraper with elephant top
For a Nation of Neighbors
For anything Sherlock Holmes!
Forbidden Fruit Documentary: "Butch and Femme Identities"
Ford Bridge
F, Ordered index cards to the glass plate and film negatives (Index Cards)
Ford, Guy Stanton
Ford Hall. Minneapolis Campus
Ford, Mrs. Guy Stanton
Forecast Planning Retreat, pt 1
Forecast Planning Retreat, pt 2
Forecast Planning Retreat, pt 3
Forecast Planning Retreat, pt 4
Foreign and Chinese policemen giving the parade the right of way.
Foreman, Harry
Foreman's Log House, built 1910
Foreman's Log House - CFC
Foreman's Woodshed, located on west side of Foreman's Log House
Foreman's Woodshed with Foreman's Log House in background
Forest around the maple sugar camp in Trout Lake
Forest scene with branch and fallen leaves in foreground
Formal gardens
Former Judgment
Forms for recording spore data in Mississippi Valley. (Box 1, Folder 23)
Forms of Pitcher
For Profit and Non-Profit Health Care: An Issue of Values
For Profit and Non-Profit Health Care: An Issue of Values
Forsmark, John A.
Fossil, ficus leaf, crestaceous sandstone
Fossils, another
Fossils, close up
Fossils, close up of knot
Fossils, fern leaves
Fossils, fern leaves
Fossils, fern leaves
Fossils, fern leaves
Fossil, shells, Trenton Limestone
Fossil, shells, Trenton Limestone, close up
Fossils, Lignite coal, Chips from slump
Fossils, log with knot
Fossils, Trilobites from the field
Fossils, Trilobites from the field, close up
Foster, Barb
Foundation of new paved street in the remodeled city.
Four Blueline Club officers at a table
Four children draw pictures with crayons at the St. Paul Jewish Community Center Nursery School
Four children stand in front of McKinley Elementary School, St. Paul, Minnesota
Four ivory studs
Four ivory studs
Four Latino actors
Four members of the Atlas Club holding fish, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Four members of the Atlas Club stand together for a picture, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Four men
Four men in office meeting room -- second from left is Professor T. Schantz-Hansen
Four musicians
Four musicians
Four Norway pine seed trees - Reproduction in foreground.
Four o'clock Purslane
Four o'clock Purslane
Four people stand by a sign that reads, "Mpls. Federation for Jewish Service Welcome to Urban Fair", Minneapolis, Minnesota
Four People Standing outside a Chinese Structure
Four second clip of audio with speaker saying, “Oats, 93 and five eights…”
Four silver studs
Four silver studs on a chain
Four sketches of horizon line, numbered 8, 9, and 10
Four story mansion with practical opening for central door.
Four students line up to get food in UMD Residence Hall Dining Center
Four students skiing
Fourteen second clip of announcer stating, “This ladies and gentleman is NPR, National Public Radio” with piano accompaniment
Fourth Annual GLBT Pride Harbor Cruise
Four unidentified people sitting on a horse-drawn sleigh in Trout Lake
Four woman sit by a fire
Four women and one man seated on porch
Four women and one man seated on porch
Four Women Gather During an Event at the Minneapolis Jewish Community Center, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Four women stand around and point to a book drop-off sign at the Mount Sinai Auxiliary book fair, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Fradaria vesca americana
Fragaria sp. (Rosaceae)
Fragaria sp. (Rosaceae)
Fragaria sp. (Rosaceae)
Fragaria sp. (Rosaceae)