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University of Minnesota Duluth men's cross country team photo 1997
University of Minnesota Duluth men's cross country team photo 1999(?)
University of Minnesota Duluth men's cross country team photo 1999 (on bleachers)
University of Minnesota Duluth men's cross country team photo 1999 (shirtless in the snow)
University of Minnesota Duluth men's cross country team photo undated (2 rows outside, 13 people)
University of Minnesota Duluth men's cross country team photo undated (2 rows outside, 15 people, dark shirts)
University of Minnesota Duluth men's cross country team photo undated (2 rows outside, 15 people, light shirts)
University of Minnesota Duluth men's cross country team photo undated (3 rows outside)
University of Minnesota Duluth men's track and field athlete #34 running
University of Minnesota Duluth men's track and field athlete and coach with relay baton
University of Minnesota Duluth men's track and field athlete Brian VonBatavia
University of Minnesota Duluth men's track and field athlete Brian VonBatavia high jumping
University of Minnesota Duluth men's track and field athlete Brian VonBatavia jumping
University of Minnesota Duluth men's track and field athlete Erik Hanson running
University of Minnesota Duluth men's track and field athlete getting ready to hurdle in race
University of Minnesota Duluth men's track and field athlete going over hurdle in race
University of Minnesota Duluth men's track and field athlete high jumping
University of Minnesota Duluth men's track and field athlete in starting blocks
University of Minnesota Duluth men's track and field athlete Kerrick Johnson standing
University of Minnesota Duluth men's track and field athlete Kerrick Johnson with a shot put