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1958 - 100 of 211506 results
Pied-billed Grebe nest and eggs
Pied-billed Grebe nest and eggs uncovered
Pied-billed Grebe nest, open
Pied-billed Grebe nest, open
Pied billed Grebes nest showing eggs
Pied-billed Grebe swimming
Pied-billed Grebe young in nest
Pigeon Hawk at nest, image enlarged from film
Pigeon Hawk at nest, image enlarged from film
Pileated Woodpecker background, landscape
Pileated Woodpecker, injury to trees, image from U.S. Department of Agriculture Report 39
Pileated Woodpecker nesting site
Pileated Woodpecker nesting site
Pileated Woodpecker, tonight, illustration
Pileated Woodpecker work on tree
Pileated Woodpecker work on tree, large hole at base of three, with bird glasses
Pileated Woodpecker work on tree, large hole at base of tree
Pileated Woodpecker work on tree, long hole in big trunk
Pileated Woodpecker work, peckings on a tree
Pilot Black snake, Elaphe obsoleta obsoleta
Piltdown head, front, restoration, image of a sculpture from a printed publication
Pine forest, Norway Beach, Cass Lake
Pine Grosbeak, Common and Hoary Redpolls, Purple Finch, illustration, plate 81 in Birds of Minnesota
Pines on summit of Carlton Peak, double exposure with Duck hawk ledge
Pine Warblers nest and young
Pine Warbler's nest and young
Pintail nest and eggs
Pioneer life, Larsen's residence near Thief Lake
Pipestone ledges at Gitchie Manitou
Pipestone Quarry, boulder study
Pipestone Quarry, detail of ledge, distant
Pipestone Quarry, detail of ledge, near
Pipestone Quarry, digging for red pipestone
Pipestone Quarry, drainage ditch, above crest of ledge, looking North
Pipestone Quarry drainage ditch, image from a mounted print photograph
Pipestone Quarry, Indian School in distance
Pipestone Quarry ledge
Pipestone Quarry, man standing by boulders, "Indian Joe"
Pipestone Quarry, original rock inscription by Nicollet party in 1838
Pipestone Quarry picnic group
Pipestone Quarry, prairie detail
Pipestone Quarry, quarry pit for red pipestone, 8 feet deep
Pipestone Quarry, William Kilgore at the Nicollet Memorial Tablet and railing
Piping Plover at nest, front view
Piping Plover on nest, front view
Pipsissewa and Pyrola
Pipsissewa and Pyrola
Pitcher plant
Pithecanthropis restoration, image of a sculpture from a printed publication
Pithecanthropis skull, side, image from a printed publication