Minnesota Issues was a half-hour weekly television program produced by University Media Resources of the University of Minnesota that was broadcast on public television channel KTCA, St. Paul. The program was produced and hosted by former Minneapolis mayor and University public affairs professor Arthur Naftalin from 1976 to 1988. [broadcast June...
University of Minnesota. University Media Resources
Naftalin, Arthur; McHenry, Donald; Marlow, Andrew (Producer)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.
Minnesota Issues was a half-hour weekly television program produced by University Media Resources of the University of Minnesota that was broadcast on public television channel KTCA, St. Paul. The program was produced and hosted by former Minneapolis mayor and University public affairs professor Arthur Naftalin from 1976 to 1988. [broadcast Janu...
University of Minnesota. University Media Resources
Naftalin, Arthur; Krueger, Anne; Heller, Walter; Marlow, Andrew (Producer)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.
This folder contains federal government publications collected by the Social Welfare History Archives staff or acquired along with collections given to the Archives. These publications cover a wide range of social issues and services from the early 1900s to 1980. This folder specifically contains materials dealing with African American family life.
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Social Welfare History Archives.
We'll hear next the final program in the series Canada/Canadians/Canadiennes. The subject for the evenings lecture is United States Economics and Canada. The lecturer is Walter L. Gordon, who for many years has been with various Canadian economic commissions, in addition to his finance and economic posts, Gordon was elected to the House of Commo...
University of Minnesota. Radio Station KUOM; University of Minnesota. Audio Visual Library Services
Gordon, Walter
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.
(W 104°03ʹ--W 96°33ʹ/N 49°00ʹ--N 45°56ʹ). At head of title: Department of the Interior, General Land Office, Fred Dennett, Commissioner. Relief shown by shading and hachures. Prinicpal meridian: Greenwich and Washington.
United States. General Land Office.; Berthrong, I. P.; Bauman, William; Hendges, Matthew
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, John R. Borchert Map Library.
Minnesota Issues was a half-hour weekly television program produced by University Media Resources of the University of Minnesota that was broadcast on public television channel KTCA, St. Paul. The program was produced and hosted by former Minneapolis mayor and University public affairs professor Arthur Naftalin from 1976 to 1988. [edited for ple...
University of Minnesota. University Media Resources
Naftalin, Arthur; Durenberger, Dave; Marlow, Andrew (Producer)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.
Recently the Minnesota World Affairs Center and the Chicago Board of Trade sponsored a sesssion on U.S. Japanese agricultural trade; a session that, of necessity, discussed other trade issues as well. Clayton Yuetter served the Nixon and Ford administrations in various capacities related to agriculture and trade and he negotiated agreements with...
University of Minnesota. Radio Station KUOM
Yuetter, Clayton; Marlow, Andrew (Producer); Troske (Engineer); Houck, James
1984-05-25; 1984-06-08
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.
This blank form of "Information for Manifesting Purposes" from United States Lines is presumably from Ruth and Bertha Edelstein's trip to Europe on the S.S. Leviathan. There are some handwritten notes on the back of the form.
United States Lines
Contributed By:
Archives and Special Collections, Kathryn A. Martin Library, University of Minnesota Duluth
Minnesota Issues was a half-hour weekly television program produced by University Media Resources of the University of Minnesota that was broadcast on public television channel KTCA, St. Paul. The program was produced and hosted by former Minneapolis mayor and University public affairs professor Arthur Naftalin from 1976 to 1988. [broadcast July...
University of Minnesota. University Media Resources
Naftalin, Arthur; Chomsky, Noam; Stanley, Kate; Marlow, Andrew (Producer)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.
This photograph is part of a series created by Hugo Skrastins documenting his voyage from Bremerhaven in Germany to New York City aboard a displaced persons transport ship in 1950. Hugo Skrastins spent the previous years in the Displaced Persons camp at Meersbeck, Germany, before he departed from Bremerhaven on July 16, 1950, aboard the USAT Gen...
Skrastins, Hugo
1950-07-16 - 1950-07-27
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Immigration History Research Center Archives.
Relief shown by hachures and spot heights. Boundaries hand col.; hydrography printed in blue. "Keith Johnston's general atlas." Scanned raster image of original: 1 map : col. ; 46 x 56 cm. Original in the David Rumsey Collection; scanned by Cartography Associates.
Johnston, Alexander Keith, 1804-1871
W. & A.K. Johnston Limited.; William Blackwood and Sons.; David Rumsey Collection.; Cartography Associates.
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, John R. Borchert Map Library.
This photograph is part of a series created by Hugo Skrastins documenting his voyage from Bremerhaven in Germany to New York City aboard a displaced persons transport ship in 1950. Hugo Skrastins spent the previous years in the Displaced Persons camp at Meersbeck, Germany, before he departed from Bremerhaven on July 16, 1950, aboard the USAT Gen...
Skrastins, Hugo
1950-07-16 - 1950-07-27
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Immigration History Research Center Archives.
This file folder is from the collection of records of La Raza Student Cultural Center (name changed to Mi Gente Latinx Student Cultural Center as of 2021), which includes administrative documents, newsletters, news clippings and flyers, correspondence, minutes, etc. that document the beginnings of La Raza on campus, including its founding as the...
La Raza Student Cultural Organization
1995 - 1996
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.
The views of Michael T. Klare, fellow at the Institute for Policy Studies in Washington, D.C. He spoke at Hamline Methodist Church in St. Paul on April 4th as part of Nuclear War Awareness Week. His talk was recorded by Eric Benson and produced for broadcast by Andy Marlow.
University of Minnesota. Radio Station KUOM
Klare, Michael T.; Marlow, Andrew (Producer); Benson, Eric (Engineer)
1981-04-07; 1981-04-01
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.
A series of discussions and dramatizations of authentic court cases produced by KUOM and the University of Minnesota Law School June 4 - August 28, 1957
University of Minnesota. Radio Station KUOM
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.
This folder contains materials from the World War Materials (Miscellaneous) Collection, which covers recruiting and promotional materials, cartoons, pamphlets, and posters from the United States during World War II. This folder includes materials referencing the role of African American coal miners in the war effort.
1939 - 1945
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Upper Midwest Literary Archives.
A large group of young people sitting at a series of long tables in the Temple of Aaron in Saint Paul. United Synagogue Youth (USY) was founded in 1951 to promote living Jewishly to Jewish-American teens. Part educational and part service oriented, the organization encourages youth involvement in Jewish community service work travel and service ...
Blumenfeld, Milton J.
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Nathan and Theresa Berman Upper Midwest Jewish Archives.