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2018 - 200 of 213793 results
Kelps overhanging the ledge at Postelsia Point
Keota area
Keota area
Keota area
Keota Hotel
Keppler Cascades
Lacinaria scariosa (Liatris scariosa)
Laix laricina trees in spring in the Edina swamp
Lake Agnes at Laggan
Lake Isabella, canoe in rushes
Lake Itasca from Douglas Lodge
Lake Itasca from the bridge near Douglas Lodge
Lake Itasca from the bridge near Douglas Lodge
Lake Louise and chalet
Lake Louise and Lefroy near Laggan
Lake Louise and Mountains with trees in the foreground
Lake Louise showing Mounts Victoria and Lefroy
Lakeside trail at Itasca State Park
Lake view from the Isabella Camp
Laminaria and Alaria at Postelsia Point
Landscape at Lake Calhoun
Laportea canadensis
Lappula virginiana
Lappula virginiana stems and burs
Large Blow-Out and old "Turret" on the Anoka Sand Plain
Large Blow-out and Turret on the Dunes
Large Blowout at the Anoka Sand Dunes near Moore's Lake
Large Blowout at the Anoka Sand Dunes near Moore's Lake showing early stage of vegetation
Large Blow-out, vegetation starting.
Large Blow-out, vegetation starting.
Large Blow-out, vegetation starting.
Large buck deer headed for shore
Large buck deer headed for shore
Large Bull Moose leaving the lake
Large-Flowered Raspberry
Large-flowered Trillium
Large quartz veins in slate near Friendly Cove
Large recent blowout, winged pigweed, etc.
Large Redwood near Orick, California
Large Redwood on the Bull Creek flat
Large round-leaved orchis
Large Toothed Aspen leaves
Large Toothed Aspen leaves
Large trees of Stanley Park
Large Turret, Blowout, Sand Ripples, etc.
Large wave at the Minnesota Seaside Station
Large wave at the Minnesota Seaside Station
Large Yellow Lady Slipper
Larix laricina leaves
Larix laricina leaves and cones
Larix laricina trunk and bark
Larix laricina trunk and bark
Lastreopsis with Linnaea and Eriophorum
Lathyrus ochroleucus
Lathyrus venosus (Vicia venosa)
Laurencia pinnatifida (Osmundea pinnatifida)
Leaf carpet in the spring woods
Ledge of Conglomerate upon Sandstone
Ledum groenlandicum
Ledum groenlandicum
Ledum groenlandicum, near
Ledum in flower
Lee Dunes in active blow-out
Lee Dunes in active blow-out showing side of old blow-out
Lee Dunes on a windward slope
Lemna polyriza (Spirodela polyrhiza) and Wolfia
Lemna polyriza (Spirodela polyriza)
Lemna trisulca
Lentinus Iepideus (Neolentinus suffrutescens) on pine
Lenzites, "Gill-bracket"
Lenzites sepiaria (Gleophyllum sepiarium)
Lenzites sepiaria (Gleophyllum sepiarium), top view
Lenzites sepiaria (Gleophyllum sepiarium), under surface
Leonurus cardiaca
Leonurus cardiaca
Lepiota americana
Lepiota Americana (Leucoagaricus americanus)
Lepiota Americana (Leucoagaricus americanus)
Lepiota Americana (Leucoagaricus americanus)
Lepiota morganii (Chlorophyllum molybdites)
Lepiota morganii (Chlorophyllum molybdites)
Lepiota morganii (Chlorophyllum molybdites)
Lepiota morganii (Chlorophyllum molybdites), close up
Lepiota morganii (Chlorophyllum molybdites), close up
Lepiota naucina
Lepiota naucina (Leucoagaricus leucothites)
Lepiota naucina (Leucoagaricus leucothites)
Lepiota naucina (Leucoagaricus leucothites)
Lepiota sp.
Lepiota sp.
Lespedeza capitata
Lessonia littoralis (Lessoniopsis littoralis)
Leucanthemum vulgare
Liatris aspera