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1940 - 40 of 211510 results
Purcell, Edna S. - Summer residence
Purcell, Edna S. - Summer residence
Rabbi Solomon Silber, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Railroad commissioners' map of Minnesota : corrected to May 1, 1910
Rajah Amehti's [Amethi's ?] Temple, Benares
Rajah Jay [Jai] Singh's Observatory, Benares
Raja Sakaram Sahib's Hall, Tanjore [Tanjavur]
Rand McNally & Co.'s new handy map of New York City
Rand McNally & Co.'s new street number guide map of Chicago.
Rani Sipri's Mosque showing beautifully carved window and pillar, Ahmedabad
Reading and Game Room, Army YMCA, Fort Monroe, Virginia
Reading Room of YM Baghdad
Ready for a hunt, Bengal
Red Cross Boat
Refugee Camp Hospital Baqubah
Religious street meeting at Broadway & 43rd Street
Religious street meeting at Broadway & 43rd Street
Remarkable Pillar in the centre of the Dewan-i-Kass [Khass], Futtehpore [Fatehpur] Sikri
Report of A. Q. Adamson, Associate Secretary, Foochow
Report of Arthur Rugh, National Secretary, China