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1970 - 100 of 211510 results
Thimbleberry, North Shore of Lake Superior
Third glacial epoch, chart from a printed publication
Thomas Cleveland Roberts holding his son Thomas Reaser Roberts with Thomas Sadler Roberts, grandfather, standing
Thomas Cleveland Roberts holding his son Thomas Reaser Roberts with Thomas Sadler Roberts, grandfather, standing
Thomas Henry Huxley, 1857, at 35, portrait, image from a printed publication
Thomas Sadler Roberts, age 58
Thomas Sadler Roberts at work scrubbing the walk
Thomas Sadler Roberts holding his grandson Thomas Reaser Roberts with son Thomas Cleveland Roberts standing
Thomas Sadler Roberts on Gull Rock, Lake of the Woods
Thomas Sadler Roberts on Hennepin Island on Lake Mille Lacs
Thomas Sadler Roberts's grandaughter
Thomas Sadler Roberts's grandaughters at Anna's House
Thomas Sadler Roberts standing near garden in an open lawn
Thomas Sadler Roberts standing near tree
Thomas Sadler Roberts standing near tree
Thomas Sadler Roberts with his granddaughters Catherine and Jane
Thomas Sadler Roberts with two in bird class, Dorothy S. Carlson and Eleanor Boynton
Thomas S. Roberts with William Kilgore
Three-decked nest of a Yellow Warbler
Three-decked nest of Yellow Warblers
Three women sitting on the Semple porch
Three young girls standing behind a Leatherwood Bush
Three young Kingbirds
Three young Kingbirds
Thrushes, Hermit, Gray-cheeked, Olive-backed, illustration from Bird-Lore magazine
Thrushes, illustration from Elon Howard, "Birds of New York"
Tiger Salamander, Ambystoma tigrinum
Tiger Salamander, Ambystoma tigrinum
Tiger Salamander, Ambystoma tigrinum
Tiger Salamander, Ambystoma tigrinum
Timber Rattler
Timber Rattler, Crotalus horridus, one day old
Timber Rattler on left and Massasauga, heads of, illustration
Timber wolf, in flesh, head and shoulder, side view
Timber wolf, in flesh, head and shoulder, top view
Timber wolf, in flesh, hindlegs
Toad, common
Toad, common
Tobin Harbor, Isle Royale, looking South East into upper part of the Harbor
Tom Roberts and a four pound Pike
Tom Roberts fishing for trout at Frontenac
Tom Roberts fishing in a creek
Tom Roberts fishing in a creek
Tom Roberts fishing in a creek
Tom Roberts in a boat at Long Meadow
Tom Roberts sitting
Tongues, Merganser and Ring-Necked, illustration from Frederic A. Lucas, "Tongues of Birds"
Toothwort, Dentaria laciniata (Cardamine concatenata)
Torres Treftlin's house and family
Torres Treftlin's house and family