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1970 - 100 of 213789 results
Jay Leyda letter
Jay Meiske (right)
Jay Phillips at a Mount Sinai Auxiliary meeting, St. Paul, Minnesota
Jay Phillips's 90th birthday, Palm Springs, California
Jazep Varonka
Jazz and Swing, by Paul "Doc" Evans
Jazz band concert
Jazz band playing on Glensheen's Carriage House lawn
Jazz band playing on Glensheen's Carriage House lawn
J. B.
J. Baird Callicott, Professor of Philosophy, on Environmental Ethics, August 2008
J. Bertini store and apartment
J. Boyer Machine shop employees
J. B. Shank, Professor of History, on Ancient Mathematics, October 2008
J. B. Shank, Professor of History, on the Calculus (1 of 3), October 2008
J. B. Shank, Professor of History, on the Calculus (2 of 3), December 2008
J. B. Shank, Professor of History, on the Calculus (3 of 3), December 2008
J. B. Watson
JCAA Hanukka Festival Candle Lighting, St. Paul, Minnesota
J. C. Clark
J. C. Clark, Boys' Secretary, Shanghai. Annual Report for the year ending Sept. 30, 1913
J. C. Clark, Boys' Secretary, Shanghai. Annual Report for the year ending Sept. 30, 1914
J. C. Clark, Boys' Secretary, Young Men's Christian Association, Shanghai, China. Annual Report for the year ending Sept. 30, 1916
J. C. Clark, Boys' Secretary, Young Men's Christian Association, Shanghai, China. Annual Report for the year ending Sept. 30, 1917
J. C. Clark, Boys' Secretary, Young Men's Christian Association, Shanghai, China. Annual Report for the year ending Sept. 30, 1918
J. C. Clark, Boys' Work Secretary, Young Men's Christian Association, Shanghai, China. Annual Report for the year ending Sept. 30, 1915
J. C. Clark, Secretary, Shanghai. Annual Report for the year ending Sept. 30, 1912
J. Chowen House
J.C. Levenson, "The Book Report"
J. C. Oliver
J. C. Oliver, General Secretary, Young Men's Christian Association, Hangchow, China. Annual Report for the year ending Sept. 30, 1917
J.C. Roberts and Joseph L. Seybold at Prohosky's Camp hunting
J.C. Roberts in a Buick at the Minneapolis Auto Show
J.C. Young at the Lodge in his fishing costume
J.C. Young pulling the bell to announce that supper is ready
J.C. Young ringing the bell to indicate that "suppers ready" at Brook Lodge
J.C. Young, the fisherman, at Brook Lodge
J.C. Young with fish on line
J.C. Young with trout on line
J. Dennis Hurrell, "Riders to the Sea"
J. D. Ovington at cattail marsh adjoining Fish Lake on the West
Jean Alexis
Jean and Caroline Hartley Lewis standing together with three other unidentified children in the garden of a house
Jean and Caroline Hartley Lewis walking on Miami Beach
Jean and Frederick Cavour Lewis sitting on the railing of the front steps to a house
Jean Ann Durades
Jean, Caroline Hartley, and Guilford Sandilands Lewis on a terrace by a lake
Jean Harmon (Langenheim) (prostrate) "Scientists at work"
Jean Hulbert, Lib, and Ed Cushing pictured.
Jean Lewis and another unidentified person sitting in beach chairs in Tent City