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1972 - 100 of 211601 results
Good female Mountain Plover standing
Good Mountain Plover distraction display
Good standing Mountain Plover
"Habitat Considerations for the Mountain Plover" talk
Habitat in South Park, Colorado near Hartsel
Ironclad Rock at Pawnee Buttes
Just hatched Mountain Plover chick with band
Just south of Keota
Just south of Keota
Keota area
Keota area
Keota area
Keota Hotel
Male and Female Mountain Plover, interactions
Male Mountain Plover
Male Mountain Plover bowing
Male Mountain Plover bowing
Male Mountain Plover courting a female near nest
Male Mountain Plover in upright, precopulation posture
Male Mountain Plover in upright, precopulation posture
Male Mountain Plover killed by hail on nest
Male Mountain Plover mounting a female
Male Mountain Plover, Nest 1
Male Mountain Plover scraping
Male Mountain Plover scraping
Male Mountain Plover scraping, femal nearby
Male Mountain Plovers following a female, upright precopulation posture
Male Mountain Plover standing
Male Mountain Plover standing
Male Mountain Plover standing, bowing display
Male Mountain Plover tossing nest material
Map of the main Mountain Plover study area
Map of the Northwest portion of the Mountain Plover study area
May shortgrass prairie, near Keota
May shortgrass prairie, near Keota
Miscellaneous data for calculations, etc. Attentive periods.
Miscellaneous data for calculations, etc. Captive notes.
Miscellaneous data for calculations, etc. Chick growth, wild and pen.
Miscellaneous data for calculations, etc. Chick survival records.
Miscellaneous data for calculations, etc. Known sex on nest.
Miscellaneous data for calculations, etc. Miscellaneous 1969 calculations.
Miscellaneous data for calculations, etc. Nest sites and nest fate.
Miscellaneous data for calculations, etc. Renesting data.
Miscellaneous data for calculations, etc. Sampling Ex.
Miscellaneous data for calculations, etc. Tables - chick growth.
Mountain Plover
Mountain Plover
Mountain Plover
Mountain Plover
Mountain Plover