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1976 - 100 of 213789 results
Johnson, Wellie
Jordan, Richard C
Jordan, Richard C
Juneau Ice Field Photos. Juneau ice field, Alaska photos North Antler Glacier. (Box 4, Folder 134)
Kerlan, Irvin
Kestermann, Eleanor
Kingsley, B.E.
Korea: Agricultural Extension, 1955-1959 (Box 119, Folder 7)
Korea: Agriculture Experiment Station- Suwon, 1955 (Box 81, Folder 44)
Korea: American Korean Foundation 4-H Club- Frost, 1955 (Box 81, Folder 47)
Korea: Applications for Korea from Other Colleges, 1955-1960 (Box 81, Folder 32)
Korea: Basic Foreign Operations Administration Policy on University Contracts, 1955 (Box 82, Folder 27)
Korea: Buildings- Suwon, 1955 (Box 81, Folder 43)
Korea: Bulletin of Seoul National University, 1955 (Box 81, Folder 48)
Korea: Chemical Lists For Department of Agriculture Biology, 1955 (Box 82, Folder 2)
Korea: Contract Amendments, 1955-1958 (Box 82, Folder 33)
Korea: English Instruction, Including Reports, 1955-1960 (Box 81, Folder 40)
Korea: Equipment and Supplies Lists, 1955 (Box 82, Folder 11)
Korea: Equipment and Supplies, Purchase Orders. Book Lists and Correspondence. College of Library, 1955-1961 (Box 81, Folder 12)
Korea: Equipment and Supplies, Summary of Requests, 1955 (Box 81, Folder 18)
Korea: Equipment Lists, 1955 (Box 82, Folder 1)
Korea: Equipment Procurement Work Sheets. College of Agriculture, 1955 (Box 81, Folder 23)
Korea: Equipment Procurement Work Sheets. College of Agriculture, 1955 (Box 81, Folder 24)
Korea: Expendable Supplies List, College of Agriculture, 1955 (Box 81, Folder 22)
Korea: Firm Request 5-516 (Schnider) Rehabilitation. College of Agriculture, 1955-1956 (Box 81, Folder 25)
Korea: Form for Purchase of Books, Supplies for Korean Faculty Members U.S. Visa Fee, 1955-1956 (Box 81, Folder 37)
Korea: Macy Correspondence, 1955-1956 (Box 82, Folder 13)
Korea: Macy's Korea Notes, 1955 (Box 82, Folder 6)
Korean Applicants - Non-contract, 1955-1956 (Box 24, Folder 14)
Korea: Publications and Clippings, 1955 (Box 82, Folder 3)
Korea: Replies from Experiment Stations Regarding Bulletins to Library, Suwon, Korea, 1955 (Box 81, Folder 42)
Korea: Revisions and Recommendations for Supplies Lists, 1955 (Box 82, Folder 9)
Korea: Salary Schedules, Category, 1955 (Box 81, Folder 41)
Korea: Seoul National University, 1955 (Box 82, Folder 8)
Korea: Staff from Korea to University of Minnesota, 1955-1962 (Box 119, Folder 10)
Korea: Staff to Korea, Clyde Bailey and Philip Manson, 1955-1960 (Box 118, Folder 38)
Korea: Staff to Korea, Frank H. Kaufert, 1955-1957 (Box 119, Folder 1)
Korea: Staff to Korea, Paul M. Burson, 1955-1956 (Box 118, Folder 41)
Korea: Summary, Equipment List, College of Agriculture, 1955-1956 (Box 81, Folder 21)
Korea: University Honors Committee, Science Literatures and Arts, 1955 (Box 82, Folder 15)
Korea: Weems, Wood and Others. Institute of Technology, 1955-1956 (Box 81, Folder 45)
Kummet, Laura
Lakeshore Studio. Duluth Campus
Latvian chorus in 1955
Lawrence, Donald B.
Legal and Protective Measures. Field Reports. Texas - Galveston. (Box 110, Folder 08)
Legal and Protective Measures. Legal Reference Files. Lobbying by ASHA. (Box 211, Folder 06)
Lentz, Edith
Leo Marsh, president of the Association of Secretaries of the YMCAs of North America in Minneapolis, Minnesota, 1955.
Library Activities. Gift of Medieval choir music.