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1978 - 100 of 213793 results
Bell Tower
Buildings at Ellis Island
Ellis Island dock
Ellis Island in the fog
Ellis Island in the winter
Empty waiting room
Library sign
Man in empty room
Nationality files
Ship dock
Stairway and Towers
Window arches
Workers' mural at Ellis Island
World War Two posters
Tierney, T. Joel
Morrill, James Lewis
Bathurst, 1877
Vaughan, Alfred L
Fant, Jesse E
Heaton, Herbert
Morrill, James Lewis
Morrill, James Lewis
Morrill, James Lewis
Morrill, James Lewis
Morrill, James Lewis
Nelson, Benjamin
O'Connor, William Van
O'Connor, William Van
Paulsen, Monrad G
Paulus, Harold J
Pestarini, Joseph Maximus
Peterson, Elizabeth F
Peterson, Lloyd Henry
Peterson, Lloyd Henry
Pirsig, Maynard E.
Reid, Ira De A
Reighard, John J
Richardson, Roy
Riecken, Henry W.
Rigler, Leo G
Robinett, Betty
Stuhler, Barbara J.
Summers, Robert E
Swalin, Richard A
Syverton, Jerome T
Tate, John T
Taves, Marrin
Tennessen, Lucetta
Thiel, George A.