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1950 - 40 of 215393 results
We'll lick 'em -- just give us the stuff
University of Minnesota Duluth men's hockey goalie Bob Mason and player Gregg Moore #8 action shot in front of goal
University of Minnesota Duluth men's hockey goalie Bob Mason and player Jim Graven action shot versus North Dakota in front of goal
University of Minnesota Duluth men's hockey player Bill Grillo #3 and goalie Rick Kosti action shot versus University of North Dakota in front of goal
University of Minnesota Duluth men's hockey player Bill Mason #26 action shot versus North Dakota
University of Minnesota Duluth men's hockey player Brian Johnson #18 celebrating after goal scored against Colorado
University of Minnesota Duluth men's hockey player Dan Fishback #18 action shot versus Denver at edge of rink
University of Minnesota Duluth men's hockey player Dan Fishback #18 action shot versus St. Cloud State
University of Minnesota Duluth men's hockey player Danny May #15 action shot versus Bowling Green
University of Minnesota Duluth men's hockey player Gregg Moore #8 action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's hockey player Gregg Moore #8 action shot at edge of rink
University of Minnesota Duluth men's hockey player Jim Johnson #6 action shot versus Wisconsin
University of Minnesota Duluth men's hockey player Jim Toninato #21 action shot versus Maine in front of goal
University of Minnesota Duluth men's hockey player Jim Toninato #21, trainer Betty Oland, and players Tom Herzig #23, Brian Johnson #18, and Bill Watson #14 at edge of rink after Lake Placid loss
University of Minnesota Duluth men's hockey player John Santori #29 action shot versus Denver
University of Minnesota Duluth men's hockey player Mark Odnokon #27 action shot at edge of rink
University of Minnesota Duluth men's hockey player Mike Valesano #31 action shot versus Pioneers
University of Minnesota Duluth men's hockey players Bill Grillo #3 and Tom Kurvers #22 and others checking on fallen goalie Bob Mason
University of Minnesota Duluth men's hockey players Bob Lakso #10 and Bill Watson #14 action shot versus Wisconsin
University of Minnesota Duluth men's hockey players Dan Fishback #18 and Tom Kurvers #22 action shot at edge of rink