In order to utilize solar power for the production of electricity and fuel on a massive scale, it will be necessary to develop solar photon conversion systems that have an appropriate combination of high efficiency (delivered watts/m2) and low capital cost ($/m2) to produce solar power that is competitive with coal. One potential, long-term appr...
Nozik, Arthur J. (Department of Energy)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
About the Speaker: Rebecca Nugent is the Associate Department Head and Director of Undergraduate Studies for Carnegie Mellon Statistics & Data Science. She works in clustering and classification methodology with an emphasis on high-dimensional, big data problems and record linkage applications. She was won several national and university teachin...
Nugent, Rebecca (Carnegie Mellon University)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
Mean-field games (MFG) is a framework to model and analyze huge populations of interacting agents that play non-cooperative differential games with applications in crowd motion, economics, finance, etc. Additionally, the PDE that arise in MFG have a rich mathematical structure and include those that appear in optimal transportation and density f...
Nurbekyan, Levon (University of California, Los Angeles)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
A teen-age girl holding a war bond and stamps in one hand and a basket of war stamps in the other hand, is followed by a teen-age boy carrying scrap metal and rubber, and a younger boy who is wearing an aviator's cap and holding a model airplane
Nurick, Irving, 1894-1963
United States. Office of Education
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Upper Midwest Literary Archives.
Joint work with Oranit Dror, Mira Avraham, Haim Wolfson (Tel Aviv University and SAIC, NCI-Frederick).An increasing number of non-coding RNAs have recently been discoveredas key players in a variety of cellular pathways and pathologicalprocesses. Much like proteins,the function of these active RNAs can beinferred from their tertiary (3D) structu...
Nussinov, Ruth (National Cancer Institute)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
William Nyang'un, the youngest of five children, was born in Kenya in 1990. His mother moved to the United States when he was six months old, leaving him in the care of his family. His siblings later moved to the United States too, and William joined them in 2012, moving first to Virginia and then Minnesota. He has studied at Minneapolis Commun...
Nyang'un, William
2015-03-20 - 2015-06-20
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Immigration History Research Center
We introduce a random network model in which one can prescribe the frequency of second order edge motifs. We derive effective equations for the activity of spiking neuron models coupled via such networks. A key consequence of the motif-induced edge correlations is that one cannot derive closed equations for average activity of the nodes (the ave...
Nykamp, Duane (University of Minnesota, Twin Cities)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
The benefits of active learning on student performance are well documented. However, in large mathematics classes with active learning components, one challenge is making the most effective use of the limited time any one student may interact with the instructor. I discuss the role educational technology can play in shaping the active learning e...
Nykamp, Duane (University of Minnesota, Twin Cities)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
The estimation the connectivity structure of neuronal networks ishindered by one's inability to simultaneously and individually measurethe activity of all neurons. Many unmeasured neurons could beinteracting with the small set of measured neurons and corruptingestimates of connectivity in unknown ways. For example, a commonconnection from an unm...
Nykamp, Duane (University of Minnesota, Twin Cities)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
We investigate epileptiform activity of excitatory-inhibitory networks that is initiated when inhibitory neurons cease firing due to depolarization block. We identify different transitions to seizure-like activity in a simplified rate model and demonstrate that these transitions do occur in a network of spiking neurons. By incorporating the effe...
Nykamp, Duane (University of Minnesota, Twin Cities)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.