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1944 - 20 of 213668 results
"All Hands Lay Aft," a play broadcast by the University Radio Guild
Alrik Gustafson discusses his book A History of Swedish Lecture with Audrey June Booth
Andrea Hinding, Director of Walter Library, discusses her new book "Women's History Sources"
Anthony Francis Clarke Wallace, "The Evolution of Religion," address sponsored by the Department of Anthropology
Anthropologist Olga Stavrakis and Archaeologist Dennis Puleston discuss their research on Maya Indians in Belize
Arnold Joseph Toynbee, dialogue between Arnold Toynbee and Tom B. Jones on Education Day at Coffman Union
Asher Norman Christenson lecture on the characteristics of the American party system, an orientation lecture for foreign students
Associate Professor Thomas Bligh and Assistant Professor James Ramsey of Mechanical Engineering discuss "Solar Energy and the University"
Athelstan Frederick Spilhaus, "A Scientist Looks at the Humanities"
Awarding of certificates of merit