Map of Aquifer Recharge Zones prepared for the Metropolitan Council as a part of An Ecological Study for the Twin-Cities Metropolitan Area. Scale 1:250,000
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University of Minnesota Libraries, John R. Borchert Map Library.
The Serre-Green-Naghdi (SGN) equations, also known as the fully nonlinear Boussinesq wave equations, are known to accurately describe a wide range of waves and in particular shoaling waves for which dispersive effects cannot be neglected. I will show how this model can be solved in a simple way using the combination of a robust, well-balanced ex...
Popinet, Stéphane (Université de Paris VI (Pierre et Marie Curie))
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
Neurons of the higher brain immediately undergo spreading depolarization (SD) in response to ischemia resulting from heart failure, traumatic brain injury or focal stroke. The current(s) driving SD remain unidentified. At SD onset, neurons cease firing, swell and can die within minutes. To account for the massive SD current, the channel has to b...
David, R. (Queen's University)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
Members of the National Association of Black Social Workers and the National Welfare Rights Organization protest at the National Conference on Social Welfare.
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Social Welfare History Archives.
'Anthropologie,' Rhetorical Therapy, and the Passions. Among the theologians associated with the Westminster Confession, Charles Herle, vicar at Winwick, Lancashire, and Edward Reynolds, later bishop of Norwich, both explored ethics and 'policy,' prudence and the passions, in works published in the mid-seventeenth century. This paper investigate...
Institute for Advanced Study
Pender, Stephen
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University of Minnesota, Institute for Advanced Study.
'Anthropologie,' Rhetorical Therapy, and the Passions. Among the theologians associated with the Westminster Confession, Charles Herle, vicar at Winwick, Lancashire, and Edward Reynolds, later bishop of Norwich, both explored ethics and 'policy,' prudence and the passions, in works published in the mid-seventeenth century. This paper investigate...
Institute for Advanced Study
Pender, Stephen
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Advanced Study.
Part of a series of radio programs on post-war problems, sponsored by the Key Center of War Information and the Department of Speech, broadcast over radio station WLB, January 25, 1943 - July 1, 1946
University of Minnesota. Radio Station KUOM
Walker, Grace
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.
XV11e and XV111e siecles - directoire - empire." "Reproduisant en fac-simile les aquarelles de l' auteur Georges Remon, architecte decorateur." "Librairie centrale des Beaux-arts. Emile Levy, editeur. 13 Rue Lafayette. Paris."
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Performing Arts Archives.
XV11e and XV111e siecles - directoire - empire." "Reproduisant en fac-simile les aquarelles de l' auteur Georges Remon, architecte decorateur." "Librairie centrale des Beaux-arts. Emile Levy, editeur. 13 Rue Lafayette. Paris."
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Performing Arts Archives.
XV11e and XV111e siecles - directoire - empire." "Reproduisant en fac-simile les aquarelles de l' auteur Georges Remon, architecte decorateur." "Librairie centrale des Beaux-arts. Emile Levy, editeur. 13 Rue Lafayette. Paris."
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Performing Arts Archives.
XV11e and XV111e siecles - directoire - empire." "Reproduisant en fac-simile les aquarelles de l' auteur Georges Remon, architecte decorateur." "Librairie centrale des Beaux-arts. Emile Levy, editeur. 13 Rue Lafayette. Paris."
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Performing Arts Archives.
XV11e and XV111e siecles - directoire - empire." "Reproduisant en fac-simile les aquarelles de l' auteur Georges Remon, architecte decorateur." "Librairie centrale des Beaux-arts. Emile Levy, editeur. 13 Rue Lafayette. Paris." The picture above the mantel in this plate was reproduced in Twin City Scenic Company collection Interiors.Historical, a...
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University of Minnesota Libraries, Performing Arts Archives.
XV11e and XV111e siecles - directoire - empire." "Reproduisant en fac-simile les aquarelles de l' auteur Georges Remon, architecte decorateur." "Librairie centrale des Beaux-arts. Emile Levy, editeur. 13 Rue Lafayette. Paris."
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Performing Arts Archives.
XV11e and XV111e siecles - directoire - empire." "Reproduisant en fac-simile les aquarelles de l' auteur Georges Remon, architecte decorateur." "Librairie centrale des Beaux-arts. Emile Levy, editeur. 13 Rue Lafayette. Paris."
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Performing Arts Archives.
XV11e and XV111e siecles - directoire - empire." "Reproduisant en fac-simile les aquarelles de l' auteur Georges Remon, architecte decorateur." "Librairie centrale des Beaux-arts. Emile Levy, editeur. 13 Rue Lafayette. Paris."
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Performing Arts Archives.
This file folder is from the collection of records of La Raza Student Cultural Center (name changed to Mi Gente Latinx Student Cultural Center as of 2021), which includes administrative documents, newsletters, news clippings and flyers, correspondence, minutes, etc. that document the beginnings of La Raza on campus, including its founding as the...
La Raza Student Cultural Organization
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.
On April 19, 1943, the destruction of the Warsaw Ghetto began. The remaining Jewish population, depleted by transports to the death camp at Treblinka, was exterminated. Units of SS stormed the Ghetto under the command of General Stroop. Unexpectedly, Jewish resistance was strong, and it took more than a month for the Germans to subdue the Warsaw...
Hirschberger, Fritz, 1912-2004
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies.
If A is a finite-dimensional algebra with automorphism group G, then varieties of generating r-tuples of elements in A, considered up to G-action, produce a sequence of varieties B(r) approximating the classifying space BG. I will explain how this construction generalizes certain well-known examples such as Grassmannians and configuration spaces...
Williams, Ben (University of British Columbia)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
In an approach similar to Ewald's method for evaluating lattice sums, we split the application of Helmholtz Green's functions between the spatial and the Fourier domains and, for any finite accuracy, approximate their kernels.In the spatial domain we use a near optimal linear combination of decaying Gaussians with positive coefficients and, in t...
Beylkin, Gregory (University of Colorado)
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University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
Approximation of positive polynomials by sums of squares has importantapplications to polynomial optimisation. In this talk, I will surveythe main recent results achieved on that topic:I will consider positive (respectively, non-negative) polynomials oncompact (respectively, unbounded) semi-algebraic sets. I will discussrepresentations in the as...
Kuhlmann, Salma (University of Saskatchewan)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
The approximation error approach was proposed in [J. Kaipio \& E. Somersalo, Statistical and Computational Inverse Problems, Springer, 2004] for handling modelling errors due to model reduction and unknown nuisance parameters in inverse problems. In this talk, we discuss the application of the approximation error approach for approximate margina...
Kolehmainen, Ville (University of Eastern Finland)
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University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
The Steiner polynomial of a solid body in R^d is of degree d and describes the volume as a function of the thickening parameter (parallel body). There are d+1 coefficients which are used to define the d+1 intrinsic volumes of the solid body. In d=2 dimensions, the first intrinsic volume is the length, and in d=3 dimensions, it is the total mean ...
Edelsbrunner, Herbert (Institute of Science and Technology Austria (IST))
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
The inverse photolithography problem is a key step in the production of integrated circuits. I propose a regularization and computation strategy for this optimization problem, whose key feature is a regularization procedure for a suitable thresholding operation. The validity of the method is shown by a convergence analysis and by numerical exper...
Rondi, Luca (Università di Trieste)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
We present an approximation algorithm for network revenue management problems. In our approximation algorithm, we construct an approximate policy using value function approximations that are expressed as linear combinations of basis functions. We use a backward recursion to compute the coefficients of the basis functions in the linear combinatio...
Topaloglu, Huseyin (Cornell University)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
We consider solving for a single component of the solution to a system of linear equations, Ax = b, where A is an n-by-n real-valued matrix, and b is a real-valued n dimensional vector. This equation can equivalently be written as x = Gx + z for an appropriate choice of G and z. We are interested in utilizing the sparsity of G (equivalently of A...
Lee, Christina E (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
For discretizations of partial differential equations, the standard methods for numerically solving Lyapunov and Riccati equations (as for example implemented in matlab) are usually not suitable since the computational effort and storage requirements are too high. Analysis of the underlying partial differential equation shows that often good low...
Opmeer, Mark (University of Bath)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
When developing CAD-type intersection algorithms forNonUniform Rational B-splines surfaces (NURBS) is importantto ensure that the algorithm identifies all intersectionbranches. For transversal intersections this is fairlystraight forward. For singular or near singular intersection,when the surfaces are close and near parallel, thetraditional app...
Dokken, Tor (SINTEF)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
Duplex DNA, the genetic material in living cells, is an unusually inflexible biopolymer. The persistence length of duplex DNA corresponds to 150 base pairs under physiological conditions. Surprisingly, the physical origin of this DNA stiffness is unknown. In particular, the contribution of the high negative charge density of DNA to its stiffness...
Maher, James (Mayo Clinic)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
Probabilistic Tsunami Hazard Assessment (PTHA) for a coastal community or harbor can be performed by running a tsunami propagation/inundation code with initial seafloor deformations sampled from some presumed probability distribution of possible earthquakes. In addition to uncertainty in the tsunami source, tidal uncertainty has to be incorporat...
LeVeque, Randall J. (University of Washington)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
Day 3: We describe several possible approaches to extending the classical theory of OMT to the multivariate (matrix-valued) case. Some applications to spectral analysis will be given.
Tannenbaum, Allen (State University of New York, Stony Brook (SUNY))
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
10:50 - 11:00 a.m. Program Opens "If you wish..." (With Music Under) Program Closes: "... School of the Air." Music Out This program is about young people learning trades in colonial America.
University of Minnesota. Radio Station KUOM
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University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.
Joint work with Doug Oldenburg.Image appraisal in geophysical inverse problem can provide insight into theresolving capability and uncertainty of estimates. Although a rigorous approachto solve nonlinear appraisal analysis is still lacking but several methods havebeen proposed in the past such as linearized Backus-Gilbert analysis, funnelfunctio...
Routh, Partha S. (Boise State University)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
Recently we introduced a framework for applying subgradient methods to solve general convex, conic optimization problems. The framework, once seen, is 'obvious,' but had not appeared in the literature, a blind spot. Quite recently we posted a refinement of the framework in the special case of hyperbolic programming. Hyperbolicity cones have alge...
Renegar, James (Cornell University)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.