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1946 - 20 of 213645 results
Attendants on [sic.] the Raja Khurruk Singh.
A Young Hill Raja.
A Young Native of Rank at Calcutta; One of the Students of the Hindu College.
A Zemindar or Farmer of the Upper Provinces and a Puthan, a Famous Wrestler.
Cheetas sent by the King of Oude to accompany the Governor General.
Dedar Khan: Jemadar or Head Servant; Government House, Calcutta.
Dhulloo: Jemedar or Head Servant; Government House, Calcutta.
Dost Mahomed Khan and Part of his Family: Hyder Khan, Governor of Ghuznee; Dost Mahomed Khan; Mahomed Akram Khan; Ab
Fakeer attached to the suite of the Governor General in camp.
George Williams