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2036 - 200 of 215393 results
University of Minnesota Duluth men's baseball players Scott Gerten #11 and Matt Joesting #20
University of Minnesota Duluth men's baseball players sitting in dugout
University of Minnesota Duluth men's baseball players sitting in dugout
University of Minnesota Duluth men's baseball players sitting in dugout
University of Minnesota Duluth men's baseball players standing in a line
University of Minnesota Duluth men's baseball players Steve Fregin and Grant Hagen standing
University of Minnesota Duluth men's baseball player standing with bat over shoulder
University of Minnesota Duluth men's baseball player standing with opponent during game versus Superior
University of Minnesota Duluth men's baseball player Steve Anderson #19 throwing
University of Minnesota Duluth men's baseball player Ted Meyer holding bat
University of Minnesota Duluth men's baseball player throwing ball
University of Minnesota Duluth men's baseball player throwing ball
University of Minnesota Duluth men's baseball player Tony Hanten #28
University of Minnesota Duluth men's baseball player Troy Brekken #7 action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's baseball player Troy Seibert #6 holding bat
University of Minnesota Duluth men's baseball player Troy Seibert #6 holding bat
University of Minnesota Duluth men's baseball player Troy Trachsel #26 standing
University of Minnesota Duluth men's baseball player Troy Trachsel #26 standing with hands on hips
University of Minnesota Duluth men's baseball player Troy Trachsel #26 waiting with glove held up
University of Minnesota Duluth men's baseball player waiting
University of Minnesota Duluth men's baseball team members outside in the snow
University of Minnesota Duluth men's baseball team photo 1993 or 1994
University of Minnesota Duluth men's baseball team photo 1995
University of Minnesota Duluth men's baseball team photo 1996 or 1998
University of Minnesota Duluth men's baseball team photo 1997
University of Minnesota Duluth men's baseball team photo 1999(?)
University of Minnesota Duluth men's baseball team photo undated (dark shirts, 3 rows outdoors)
University of Minnesota Duluth men's baseball team photo undated (light buttoned shirts, 2 rows outdoors)
University of Minnesota Duluth men's baseball team photo undated (light shirts, 3 rows indoors beneath brick wall)
University of Minnesota Duluth men's baseball team photo undated (light shirts, 3 rows in gym)
University of Minnesota Duluth men's baseball team photo undated (light shirts, 3 rows in gym in front of track)
University of Minnesota Duluth men's baseball team photo undated (light shirts, 3 rows in gym in front of track with 3 bats)
University of Minnesota Duluth men's baseball team photo undated (light shirts, 3 rows outdoors)
University of Minnesota Duluth men's baseball team photo undated (light striped shirts, 3 rows outdoors in front of brick wall)
University of Minnesota Duluth men's baseball team post-game celebration
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball assistant coach Butch Kuronen, coach Gary Holquist, and player Yusuf Abdullah
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball athetes and coach Gary Holquist at the 1999 All Sports Banquet
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball bench with players cheering
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball coach and 5 players posing
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball coach Dale Race and another person shaking hands beside a car
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball coach Dale Race and assistant coach Gary Holquist
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball coach Dale Race and men's basketball athlete at the 1999 All Sports Banquet
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball coach Dale Race and Odell Odberg of Odberg Ryan Lincoln Mercury standing beside a car
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball coach Dale Race and player Jim Eggebrecht
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball coach Dale Race in Eggebrect Chevrolet ad
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball coaches and athletic director amidst construction on Sports and Health Center addition at the University of Minnesota Duluth
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball coaches Gary Holquist (assistant), Dale Race (head), Butch Kuronen (assistant), and Al Hebert
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball coaches Gary Holquist, Dale Race, and Butch Kuronen
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball coach Gary Holquist and basketball athlete at the 1999 All Sports Banquet
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball coach George Fisher with assistant coach Lynn McCormick talking to players John Retica, Brad Boisen, and Ron Metso
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball coaching staff
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball game versus St. Thomas, with players on the court and spectators in the stands
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball head coach Dale Race, assistant coach Butch Kuronen, and player #10 Kendall Kelly talking
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball head coach Dale Race coaching
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball head coach Dale Race watching
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball intersquad play action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball intersquad play action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball intersquad play action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball player #10 flying through the air
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball player #10 Kendall Kelly with the ball as #50 Jerry Brockhaus puts his arms up
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball player #10 Mark Johnson beating the opponent down the court
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball player #10 Mark Robinson action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball player #10 Mark Robinson action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball player #10 Mark Robinson action shot with #30 Dave Zollar and others in background
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball player #10 Mark Robinson action shot with #40 Dave Hauser and #54 Jay Guidinger nearby
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball player #10 Mark Robinson breaking for a pass as Beaver Brian Tangen tries to cut him off
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball player #10 Mark Robinson with net
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball player #10 Mike Arndt action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball player #10 Mike Arndt action shot versus Dragons
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball player #10 Mike Arndt action shot versus Wolves
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball player #12 Alan Wimes action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball player #12 Alan Wimes dunking the ball versus Winona State
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball player #12 Al Wimes action shot during National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics tour
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball player #12 Doug Rossi action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball player #12 Doug Rossi watching the game
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball player #12 J.R. Smith action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball player #12 J.R. Smith action shot versus Winona State
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball player #12 Nate Koch
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball player #12 Nate Koch action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball player #12 Nate Koch action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball player #12 Nate Koch action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball player #12 Nate Koch action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball player #12 Nate Koch action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball player #12 Nate Koch taking big strides while dribbling
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball player #12 passing
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball player #12 Victor Harvison taking down the net
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball player #14 Barry Fermanich action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball player #14 Barry Fermanich action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball player #14 Barry Fermanich action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball player #14 Barry Fermanich action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball player #14 Barry Fermanich action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball player #14 Barry Fermanich action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball player #14 Barry Fermanich action shot versus Moorhead
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball player #14 Barry Fermanich action shot versus St. Cloud
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball player #14 Barry Fermanich driving at center court versus Moorhead
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball player #14 C.J. Krawczyk action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball player #14 Dave Wells posing
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball player #14 James Intihar action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's basketball player #14 making the basket