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2036 - 200 of 213760 results
Ulmus americana twig with fruits
Ulmus americana with horses grazing
Ulmus americanus flowers
Ulmus pumila leaf
Ulmus racemosa (Ulmus thomasii) leaf
Ulmus rubra leaf
Ulmus rubra leaves and fruit
Ulva in Friendly Cove
Ulva lactuca from the Minnesota Seaside Station
Unfinished beaver lodge and winter stores on Isabella River
Upper Baptism River showing shore vegetation
Upper Falls of the Yellowstone
Upper Geyser Basin
Urceolaria scruposa
Urnula craterium
Urtica gracilis
Usnea Florida
Usnea Florida
Usnea Florida
Usnea florida, near
Utricularia grafiana (Utricularia intermedia) bladder
Utricularia grafiana (Utricularia intermedia) bladders
Utricularia grafiana (Utricularia intermedia), hairs from bladder
Utricularia grafiana (Utricularia intermedia) leaf
Utricularia grafiana (Utricularia intermedia), Utricularia minor
Utricularia grafiana (Utricularia intermedia) valve, surface view
Utricularia grafiana (Utricularia intermedia) valve, surface view
Utricularia grafiana (Utricularia intermedia) valve to bladder
Uvularia grandiflora
Uvularia grandiflora
Uvularia grandiflora
Uvularia grandiflora
Uvularia grandiflora
Vaccinium oxycoccos (Oxycoccus palustris)
Vaccinium oxycoccos (Oxycoccus palustris)
Vaccinium oxyrcoccos, nearer (Oxycoccus palustris)
Vaccinium pensylvanicum
Vaccinium Vitis-idaea
Vadnais Lake shore, showing trees and light relation
Vagabond gall of Populus
Vagabond gall of Populus
Vagabond gall of Populus
Vagnera stellata (Maianthemum stellatum) in the sun and shade
Valeriana edulis
Valley of Ten Peaks from the trail near Laggan
Valley of Ten Peaks near Laggan
Vascular Bundle of squash stem
Vaucheria, fruiting
Vegetation in old Blow-out, stable in part
Vegetation in the sand
Vegetation on explosed slopes in the Cannon River Valley
Vegetation on explosed slopes near Welch, Minnesota
Vegetation on the rocks at Taylor's Falls
Vegnera stellata, sun and shade
Verbascum thapsis
Verbascum thapsus
Verbascum thapsus
Verbascum thapsus
Verbascum thapsus, near
Verbena bracteosa
Verbena hastata
Verbena hastata
Verbena hastata
Verbena hastata
Verbena stricta
Veronica virginica
Veronica virginica
Veronica virginica
Veronica virginica
Veteran of the Timberline at Longs Peak
Veteran of the Timberline at Longs Peak
Vibernum lentago leaf
Viburnum lentago leaf and fruit
Viburnum pubescens leaf
Vicia americana
Vicia villosa
View from the top of Mount Sifton
View from the top of Mount Sifton
View looking northward from Mount Rogers
View looking toward the Illecillewaet from Mount Sifton or Mount Rogers
View of Keota
View westward near the summit of Mount Sifton
Viola canadensis
Viola conspersa
Viola lanceolata
Viola papilionacea
Viola papilionacea
Viola papilionacea, Viola pubescens
Viola pedata
Viola pedata
Viola pedata
Viola pedatifida
Viola regulosa in the botanical garden of the University Greenhouse
Viola rugulosa in the Botany garden
Viola rugulosa in the Botany garden, close up