Zakia McKensey is an African-American trans woman and native of Richmond, Viginia. At the time of this interview, she was the executive director of Nationz Foundation, a Richmond-based public health organization she founded in 2015. McKensey is a certified HIV test counselor, prevention educator, and disease intervention specialist with over twe...
This talk introduces a nonparametric framework for analyzing physiological sensor data collected from wearable devices. The idea is to apply the stochastic process notion of occupation times to construct activity profiles that can be treated as monotonically decreasing functional data. Whereas raw sensor data typically need to be pre-aligned bef...
McKeague, Ian (Columbia University)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) represents a powerful clinical technology, but we are only beginning to understand the details of the interaction between the electrode(s) and the brain. This presentation will provide an overview of the latest advances in experimental and theoretical characterization of the electrode-tissue interface (ETI) for in vi...
McIntyre, Cameron C. (Case Western Reserve University)
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota, Institute for Mathematics and its Applications.