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1957 - 40 of 215393 results
Cenchrus tribuloides (Cenchrus incertus)
Cenchrus tribuloides (Cenchrus incertus)
Cenchrus tribuloides (Cenchrus incertus)
Cenchrus tribuloides (Cenchrus incertus)
Cenchrus tribuloides (Cenchrus incertus) fruit
Cenchrus tribuloides (Cenchrus incertus) on stems
"Censorship in the Libraries" by Dr. David K. Beringhausen, Professor of Library Science
Cent. 15. e carita che va a sollievo dei nostri soldati feriti
Centaurea cyanus
Centaurea cyanus L.
Centaurea cyanus, Poa, Agropyron (Bachelor's Button)
Centaurea jacea L.
Centaurea sp. (Compositae)
Centaurea stoebe
Centenary Methodist Episcopal Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Centennial, articles, 1948-1965 (Box 4, Folder 4)
Centennial, articles, 1965 (Box 4, Folder 5)
Centennial Block, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Centennial cap and gown day convocation
Centennial Charter day Convocation: Maynard Pirsig, "The University and It's Charter," awarding of honorary doctorate to Everett Fraser and unveiling of plaque naming the Law School building Fraser Hall; music; clip of speech by Lennox Mills on "Classroom Lecture"; clip of Betty Girling from "The Parkers"