Illustration, Some guy is Alec, canny Scot. How carefully he plays his shot! He got this whole blamed show up for us. "Some guy" is right, believe me, Mawruss.
Steele, Frederic Dorr, 1873-1944
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Special Collections and Rare Books.
Prof. of Pediatrics at Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research. Graduate school at U of Minnesota. Director of the Rochester Child Health Project, section on Pediatrics, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn.
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.
Clarence ("Cap") Wigington (1883-1967) was the first African-American registered architect to practice for any substantial length of time in Minnesota. In 1915, one year after moving to St. Paul, Wigington took a qualifying exam as a senior draftsman and became the first African American municipal architect in the United States. He had the highe...
Wigington, Clarence Wesley, 1883-1967
Bassford, Charles A.
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Northwest Architectural Archives.
Clarence ("Cap") Wigington (1883-1967) was the first African-American registered architect to practice for any substantial length of time in Minnesota. In 1915, one year after moving to St. Paul, Wigington took a qualifying exam as a senior draftsman and became the first African American municipal architect in the United States. He had the highe...
Wigington, Clarence Wesley, 1883-1967
Bassford, Charles A.
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Northwest Architectural Archives.
Clarence ("Cap") Wigington (1883-1967) was the first African-American registered architect to practice for any substantial length of time in Minnesota. In 1915, one year after moving to St. Paul, Wigington took a qualifying exam as a senior draftsman and became the first African American municipal architect in the United States. He had the highe...
Wigington, Clarence Wesley, 1883-1967
Bassford, Charles A.
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, Northwest Architectural Archives.