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The Gopher, Volume 38, 1925
United Neighborhood Houses of New York Records, Scrapbook 7 (Box 242-243, Folder 24-26)
The American Jewish World, Volume 14, Number 26, February 26, 1926
Bisbila, Student Yearbook, 1927
Legal and Protective Measures. Field Reports. Washington. (Box 111, Folder 06)
Order of American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA) - Ahepan Magazine (Reel 4, Number 69)
The Gopher, Volume 40, 1927
Bisbila, Student Yearbook, 1928
The Gopher, Volume 41, 1928
The Gopher, Volume 42, 1929
Legal and Protective Measures. Surveys. Illinois. Source Materials for Chicago Report. (Box 099, Folder 04)
The Gopher, Volume 43, 1930
The American Jewish World, Volume 19, Number 5, October 3, 1930
The American Jewish World, Volume 19, Number 9, October 31, 1930
The American Jewish World, Volume 19, Number 16, December 19, 1930
The Gopher, Volume 44, 1931
La Stampa Libera, Volume 1, Number 10
The American Jewish World, Volume 20, Number 33, April 15, 1932
The Gopher, Volume 46, 1933
La Stampa Libera, Volume 3, Number 51
La Stampa Libera, Volume 3, Number 185
La Stampa Libera, Volume 4, Number 260
Order of American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA) - Ahepan Magazine (Reel 5, Number 70)
The Ahepan (Reel 25, Number 156)
The Gopher, Volume 48, 1935
Plant Pathology Seminar. Seminar papers. (Box 4, Volume 2)
The American Jewish World, Volume 25, Number 36, May 7, 1937
Editorial Files, 1891-1952 (bulk 1917-1952). Working Editorial Files, 1935-1952. "Calling America" Series, 1939-1948. Minorities. Promotion, 1939. (Box 185, Folder 1392)
Scrapbooks 1933-1954. Carmen 1940. (Box OS 3)
Club Histories. Army-Navy Clubs. Santa Maria, California (Box 31, Folder 1)
Correspondence and Reports. Correspondence and reports, 1943-1944 (Box 56, Folder 1)
Misc. Print Material 1923-1954. (Box 13, Folder 21)
Contents from Scrapbook #1, Folder 2
Order of American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA) - Ahepan Magazine (Reel 6, Number 71)
The Ahepan (Reel 26, Number 157)
Manzanar Free Press, Volume 6, Number 99, June 2, 1945
Public Relations. Social Hygiene Day. Correspondence. New York. (Box 074, Folder 07)
Relations with Other Organizations. National Voluntary Organizations and Conferences. National Council of Women. (Box 137, Folder 08)
The American Jewish World, Volume 40, Number 7, October 19, 1951
Education. Education Division, General. Pre-Induction Health Manual Correspondence. (Box 083, Folder 02)
Bat Mitzvah of Linda Grossman at Adath Jeshurun, Minneapolis, Minnesota
General and Administrative. Assemblies and Conferences. National Young Adult Assembly, 1954 (Box 28, Folder 29)
The Gopher, Volume 67, 1954
Professional Affiliations, 1941-2006. Rockefeller Foundation. Mexican Program. (Box 34, Folder 1)
The American Jewish World, Volume 43, Number 16, December 17, 1954
Jewish War Veterans scrapbook 1955-1965.
Order of American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA) - Ahepan Magazine (Reel 7, Number 72)
The Ahepan (Reel 27, Number 158)
Korea: Advisory Committee. Seoul National University Cooperative Committee, 1957-1958 (Box 82, Folder 20)
The American Jewish World, Volume 45, Number 33, April 19, 1957