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2112 - 200 of 213793 results
A council-chamber backdrop, depicting open country and the heavens.
A costumer working on a costume for the 1974 UMD production of "Hello Dolly!"
Acorus sp. (Araceae)
Acorus sp. (Araceae)
Acorus sp. (Araceae)
Acorus sp. (Araceae)
Acorus sp. (Araceae)
Acorus calamus in fruit
Acorus calamus in fruit
Acorus calamus
Acorus calamus
Acorus calamus
A correct plan of the cities of London [and] Westminster [and] borough of Southwark : including the bills of mortality, with the additional buildings.
A correct map of Virginia
A correct map of the United States of North America : including the British and Spanish territories carefully laid down agreeable to the treaty of 1784
A corrected chart of part of the Persian Gulph
A correct chart of the German Ocean from the north of Scotland to the start point, on the coast of Great Britain ; and from So. Bygden on ye coast of Norway, to C. de la Hogue on ye coast of Normandy in France
Acorns and hazelnuts
Acorn barnacles on the rocks in Bill's Cove
A Cool airy place to suit hardy vegetables and fruit : fight food waste : in the home
A cook book of over 250 well proven recipes
A Convex Primal Formulation for Convex Hull Pricing
A conversation with the honorable Myron H. Bright senior circuit judge, US Court of Appeals for the 8th Circuit
A conversation with Starke Hathaway
A conversation with Linus Pauling, medical researcher and author of "Cancer and Vitamin C"
A conversation about the University of Minnesota Extension Intergenerational Land Transfer Program, 2007-2020
A Conversation about the MMPI with Yossef Ben-Porath and Auke Tellegen, Part 7
A Conversation about the MMPI with Yossef Ben-Porath and Auke Tellegen, Part 6
A Conversation about the MMPI with Yossef Ben-Porath and Auke Tellegen, Part 5
A Conversation about the MMPI with Yossef Ben-Porath and Auke Tellegen, Part 4
A Conversation about the MMPI with Yossef Ben-Porath and Auke Tellegen, Part 3
A Conversation about the MMPI with Yossef Ben-Porath and Auke Tellegen, Part 2
A Conversation about the MMPI with Yossef Ben-Porath and Auke Tellegen, Part 1
A Conversation about Mark Morris's "Dido and Aeneas", Mar. 2016
A Control Theoretic Framework for Compositional Analysis and Design of Biomolecular Networks
A Continuum Theory of Thermoelectric Bodies and Proposed Large-scale Application in Energy Conversion
A Continuous Probabilistic Model of Local RNA 3-D Structure
A Continuous Mean for Finite Sets of Persistence Diagrams
A continuation of Dr. Thomas Radford's Record of the Caesarean operations of Great Britain and Ireland
A Consumer's Guide to Personnel Preparation Programs, 1979-1980 (Box 5, Folder 27)
A Connection Between STDs and AIDS
A Connection Between STDs and AIDS
Aconitum sp. (Ranunculaceae)
A Confluence of Algebraic Topology and Numerical Analysis
A Concert of Dance flier (Box 42, Folder 7)
A compound and compend of medicine surgery &c / by John Burkitt.
A Compliant Molecular Clutch Model for Kinetochore Motion Driven By Microtubule Disassembly
A Complexity-Theoretic Perspective on Algorithmic Fairness
A complete set of surveys and plats of properties in the city of Minneapolis, Minn.
A compleat map of the East Indies : exhibiting the English territorial acquisitions
ACOM picnic
ACOM picnic
ACOM picnic
A comparison of lumped and field models for electrowetting of sessile drops
A Comparison Inequality for Positively Associated Random Variables
A comparative study of linear and semidefinite branch-and-cut methods for solving the minimum graph bisection problem
A Community You May Not Know... The West Bank, Tape 3
A Community You May Not Know... The West Bank, Tape 2
A Community You May Not Know... The West Bank, Tape 1
A Community Message to the Brotherhood, circa 1920-1925 (Box 2, Folder 29)
A Communications Worker
ACOM executive committee
ACOM executive committee
A combined view of the principal mountains & rivers in the world : accompanied by a table shewing their relative heights & lengt
A Combinatorial Test for Significant Codivergence Between Cool-season Grasses and their Symbiotic Fungal Endophytes
A Colonial Doctor's Diagnosis
A Colonial Cooking Lesson
A colonade in the Temple of Dilwarra
A collection of revival hymns and plantation melodies
A Collection of psalm and hymn tunes, chants, anthems, and sentences : original and selected from the best standard composers : adapted for the use of the Protestant Episcopal Church in America and for congregations of other denominations as well as fo...
A collection of hymns, for the use of the people called Methodists : with a supplement
A collection of hymns, for the use of the people called Methodists
A collection of hymns, for the use of the Methodist Episcopal church, principally from the collection of the Rev. John Wesley ... Rev. and corr., with the titles of appropriate tunes, and the corresponding page of the Harmonist, prefixed to each hymn. ...
A collection of hymns for the use of the Methodist Episcopal Church : principally from the collection of the Rev. John Wesley.
A Collection of Hymns and Anthems Adapted to Public Worship
A Coconut Tape [?], Madras
A cobbler and his outfit.
ACM Membership Booth, late 1970s (Box 4, Folder 20)
ACM Membership Booth (Box 4, Folder 20)
ACM Membership Booth (Box 4, Folder 20)
ACM Membership Booth (Box 4, Folder 20)
ACM Membership Booth (Box 4, Folder 10)
ACM Membership Booth at Spring Joint Computer Conference, late 1970s (Box 4, Folder 20)
ACM Membership Booth at NCC (Box 4, Folder 20)
ACM Membership Booth at Annual Meeting (Box 4, Folder 20)
ACM Membership Booth at ACM Annual Meeting (Box 4, Folder 20)
"Acme Trade-mark" porcelain and wood mortar and pestle
"Acme Trade-mark" porcelain and wood mortar and pestle
ACM Conference Reception (Box 4, Folder 5)
ACM Annual Meeting Reception (Box 4, Folder 5)
ACM Annual Meeting Reception (Box 4, Folder 5)
ACM Annual Meeting Reception (Box 4, Folder 5)
ACM Annual Meeting Reception (Box 4, Folder 5)
ACM Annual Meeting (Box 4, Folder 8)
ACM Annual Meeting (Box 4, Folder 8)
ACM Annual Meeting (Box 4, Folder 5)
ACM Annual Meeting (Box 4, Folder 5)
ACM Annual Meeting (Box 4, Folder 5)