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Paige, James
Paige, James
Pamphlets and other Publications. Report of Commission on Rural Problems and the Relation of the Young Men's Christian Association to Their Solution, 1912 (Box 4, Folder 33)
Pamphlets and other Publications. Rural Work of the Young Men's Christian Association by Albert E. Roberts and Henry Israel, 1912 (Box 4, Folder 32)
Passer, Adolph A
Pastry wrinkles : how to make and bake delicious hot breads, cake and pastry...
Pavilion Annex. St. Paul Campus. Meat Shop
Peppard, Thomas Albert
Photo album - Philip W. Sachs
Pilgrim hymnal : with responsive readings and other aids to worship.
Plant Pathology Department University of Minnesota and United States Department of Agriculture. Weather and rust. (Box 9, Folder 30)
Pollock, Lee W.
Portrait of Cavour, Guilford "Gil," and Guilford Graham Hartley
Portrait of Cavour Hartley with the Skull and Bones Fraternity at Yale University
Portrait of Edith Koivisto
Professional Activities and Professional Correspondence (general). Elliott, Richard M., Publications. (Box 4, Folder 12)
Proprietor and printer in front of Schwartz Print Shop in Minneapolis, Minnesota
Publications. Pamphlets. Morrow, Prince A."""Eugenics and Racial Poisons." (Box 170, Folder 13)
Publications. Pamphlets. Morrow, Prince A."""The Boy Problem, for Parents and Teachers""(Educational Pamphlet " (Box 170, Folder 12)
Publications. Pamphlets. Morrow, Prince A., "The Sex Problem - Social Diseases, Publicity, Sex Instruction, The Double Standard of Morality." (Box 170, Folder 13)