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University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Dave Krenik #7 kicking the ball
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Dave Lindstrom #86 evading a block
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Dave Lindstrom #86 taking a hand to the face
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Dave Lindstrom celebrating with the team
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Dave Lundin #30 set on scrimmage
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Dave Viaene #92 set for play to start at the line of scrimmage
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player David Floysand #12 ready to pass
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player David Floysand #12 set to pass the ball
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player David Floysand #12 stepping back to pass
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player David Floysand #12 taking a snap
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Dick Emmerich #31 set for play
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Dick Ferrera #16 individual shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Dick Fisher #43 individual shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Dick Genadek
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Dick Kostelic #74 individual shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Dick Lebeau #37 individual shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Dick Lebeau #42 running with the ball
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Dick Perri individual shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Dick Valentino #52 individual shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Dick Voltzke #32 with the ball on the field
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Don Will in University of Minnesota Duluth sweatshirt
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player down on the field with opponent and others nearby
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Ed Woolett #36 at All Conference 1941
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Eric Rajala #22 running the ball
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Eric Siljendahl #24 running the ball with other players around
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Eric Siljendahl #24 running with ball
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Eric Siljendahl #24 running with ball, another player behind
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Eric Siljendahl #24 running with ball, arms outstretched
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Garret Hjelle #85 running with the ball while trying to break a tackle
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Gene Reed #76 individual shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player getting gang tackled
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player getting tackled
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Gordy Johnson crouching on field
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Greg Valaskey #11 calling out a play
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Greg Valaskey #11 punting football
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Greg Valaskey #11 quarterback in action
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Greg Valaskey #11 running football
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Greg Valaskey #11 scoring touchdown on quarterback sneak
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Greg Valaskey #11 taking a snap
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Greg Valaskey #11 throwing a pass
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Greg Valaskey #11 watching after he passes the ball
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Harry LaRose individual shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player headshot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Heinz Rudau #42 individual shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player hiking the football
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player in a hoodie posing with a football with tackle dummies in the background
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player in dressing room taking off his shoulder pads
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player in team jacket and plain clothes presenting autographed ball to a man in military dress clothes
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Jack Delsing #86 set for the play
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Jason C Jones #34 running the ball
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Jason W Jones #74 on cart with injured knee
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Jason Wolf #27 making a tackle
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Jeff Holubar #92 and teammates rushing the punter
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Jeff Holubar #92 set for play to start
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Jeff Kaldor #14 passing the ball
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Jeff Kaldor #14 running the ball
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Jeff Kaldor #14 taking a snap
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Jeff Paris #5 running the ball
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Jeff Paris #5 running the ball (close-up)
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Jeff Paris #5 running the ball trying to break a tackle
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Jeff Paris #5 running the ball with teammates #12 and #85 in background
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Jeff Parris on a touchdown run
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Jeff Trochil running up field
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Jeff Walker on the turf with the football
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Jeff Wenngatz #5 with hands up
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Jerry Petricka #22 individual shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Jerry Richardson #83 crouching on the field
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Jim Amundson #36 trying to get to ball carrier
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Jim Malosky Jr. #10 handing off the ball
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Jim Malosky Jr. #10 handing off the ball in front of team members
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Jim Malosky Jr. #10 looking down field for a receiver
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Jim Malosky Jr. #10 running the ball
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Jim Malosky Jr. #10 taking a snap
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Jim Malosky Jr. #10 taking a snap with team members in background
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Jim Malosky Jr. #10 taking the snap behind #64
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Jim Malosky Jr. #10 taking the snap with his head above a row of teammates
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Jim Malosky Jr. #10 throwing a pass
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Jim Malosky Jr. #10 throwing the ball
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Jim Malosky Jr. #10 watching the tackle
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Jim Sheridan #32 individual shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Jim Sitarz #92 getting ready to attack opponent offensive line
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Jim Wagner #73 standing with hands on hips
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Joe Beaupre #16 running the ball
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Joel Koeppl #13 running the ball
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player John Rauker #96 individual shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player John Rauker crouching on field
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player John Springer looking into distance
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Jon Dolney #42 running the ball
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Jon Lamers #87 action shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Josh Sandell #23 being tackled
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Josh Sandell #23 breaking a tackle while running with the ball
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Josh Sandell #23 running the ball with 2 other University of Minnesota Duluth players
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Josh Sandell #23 waiting to catch and return the ball
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Josh Sandell performing a flip
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Josh Sandell with the ball
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Juan Reyes running with the football
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Justin Bangston #36 looking to block
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Kelly Gonsorowski #68 defending the line of scrimmage
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Ken Johnson #57 individual shot
University of Minnesota Duluth men's football player Kent Salo #68 individual shot