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2115 - 200 of 211599 results
Bradley, Harold C. - P&E design
Bremer School, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Brick Chimney
Brick Fireplace, and Screen
Brick Fireplace with Details above Mantel
Brick Fireplace with Wooden Mantel
Brute strength bowling down your power alleys
Bryant School, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Buffington 28-story Skyscraper, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Builders Exchange Booth
Builder's Plan Service
Builder's Plan Service
Builder's Plan Service
Builder's Plan Service
Builder's Plan Service
Builder's Plan Service
Builder's Plan Service
Builder's Plan Service
Builder's Plan Service
Builder's Plan Service
Builder's Plan Service
Builder's Plan Service
Builder's Plan Service
Builder's Plan Service
Builder's Plan Service
Burton Hall, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Business block, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Business Block, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Butler Brothers Warehouse, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Butler Brothers Warehouse, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Buxton, Mrs. C.I.
Buxton, Mrs. C.I.
Buxton, Mrs. C.I.
Buxton, Mrs. C.I.
Buxton, Mrs. C.I.
Buxton, Mrs. C.I.
Buxton, Mrs. C.I.
Buxton, Mrs. C.I.
Buzzell, Francis
Buzzell, Francis
Buzzell, Francis
Buzzell, Francis
Buzzell, Francis
Buzzell, Francis
Buzzell, Francis
Buzzell, Francis - cabin
Buzzell, Francis - cabin
Buzzell, Francis - cabin
Byrne, Patrick E.
Byrne, Patrick E.
Byrne, Patrick E.
Byrne, Patrick E.
Byrne, Patrick E.
Byrne, Patrick E.
Byrne, Patrick E.
Byrne, Patrick E.
Byrne, Patrick E.
Byrne, Patrick E.
California Arts and Architecture
California Arts and Architecture
Camouflage to the other fellow and valuable strategic information. . .
Carlson, Fritz - 1
Carlson, Fritz - 1
Carlson, Fritz - 1
Carlson, Fritz - 1
Carlson, Fritz - 1
Carlson, Fritz - 1
Carlson, Fritz - 1
Carlson, Fritz - 1
Carlson, Fritz - 1
Cast Iron Lintels Over Windows, Endicott Building, St. Paul, Minnesota
Cast Iron Lintels Over Windows, Endicott Building, St. Paul, Minnesota
Cathedral of St. Joseph, Baldachin
Cathedral of St. Joseph, Furnishings
Cathedral of St. Joseph, Sanctuary and Crypt
Cathedral of St. Joseph, Sanctuary and Crypt
Cathedral of St. Joseph, Sanctuary and Crypt
Cathedral of St. Joseph, Sanctuary and Crypt
Cavour Langdon residence, Minneapolis, Minnesota
C. C. Webber residence, Minneapolis, Minnesota
C. E. Keller residence, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Centenary Methodist Episcopal Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Centennial Block, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Center (Winthrop) School, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Central High School, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Central High School, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Chair and Bed Posts
Chamber of Commerce (Grain Exchange), Minneapolis, Minnesota
Chamber of Commerce (now Grain Exchange), Minneapolis, Minnesota
Charles A. Pillsbury residence, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Charles Hardenbergh residence, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Charles Hoag residence, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Charles M. Harrington residence, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Charles Pettit residence, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Charlotte Leather Belting Co. - advertising
Charlotte Leather Belting Co. - advertising
Charlotte Leather Belting Co. - advertising
Charlotte Leather Belting Co. - advertising
Charlotte Leather Belting Company : Charlotte North Carolina
Charlotte Leather Belting Company : Charlotte North Carolina