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2037 - 40 of 215561 results
Child eating popcorn, Seoul, Korea
Child Free, with Gail Thoen and Sue Murphy
Child holding a baby
Child holding a bushel of apples outside of the Hartley house at 1305 East Superior Street
Child holding a fish on a rod over its shoulder at the maple sugar camp in Trout Lake
Child holding doll at Glensheen
Child holding doll at Glensheen
Child in a white dress standing by the Hartley house at 1305 East Superior Street
Child in Traditional Garb
Child looking at globe in Children's Library
Child looking inside a baby stroller on the front walkway to a house
Child lying down at the stern of a canoe landed by a dock on Cass Lake
Child named Morris standing by a house
Child near fireplace.
Child next to doll carriage at Glensheen
Child on a horse standing in front of a white tent at Cass Lake
Child on a patio at Congdon Castle
Child on a Superior Bottling Co. Truck holding a man's hand, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Child on a wagon