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2118 - 200 of 213793 results
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Hibiscus.
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. History of Maize on maps in Tehuacan, Mexico Museum
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Hybrid maize sign.
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Hybrid maize test plots product.
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Maize and dairying. Coon Valley, Wisconsin.
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Maize for silage.
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Maize god painting. Tehuacan Mexican Museum.
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Maize in flower.
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Maize storage in tree cactus crowns.
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Mallow.
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Minnesota is number 1 oat state. (Minnesota state fair)
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Modern corn chopper combine.
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Morning Glory.
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Musa inflorescence.
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Mustard.
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. New Zealand war canal.
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Nightshade A.
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Oats along, Alaska Highway.
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. One stage of Maize development seen in single day. Tehuacan Valley, Mexico.
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. One stage of Maize development seen in single day. Tehuacan Valley, Mexico.
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. One stage of Maize development seen in single day. Tehuacan Valley, Mexico.
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. One stage of Maize development seen in single day. Tehuacan Valley, Mexico.
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. One stage of Maize development seen in single day. Tehuacan Valley, Mexico.
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Pea A.
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Pearl Millet
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Pearl Millet
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Pearl Millet
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Plantain "white man's footprints" Brought by New England colonists.
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Popcorn (modern clay)
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Puffer rice and puffer.
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Push boat along instead of getting stuck in mud. Wild Rice Harvest.
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Quinoa.
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Quinoa- High Andes.
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Rice in Arkansas (ripe)
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Rice-paste finger paintings give thanks for good harvest- southwest India.
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Rice past finger paintings. Southwest India.
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Richard MacNeish in Tehuacan Mexican Museum.
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Ripe oats and vetch mixture being harvest in west Oregon.
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Ripe oats and vetch mixture being harvest in west Oregon.
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Rose
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Rye fields on Swiss Mountain slopes.
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Rye hocks with rain hats in Austria.
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Rye infested with ergot fungus, north Germany.
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Rye in North Germany. (Unripe)
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Rye in North Germany. (Unripe) (Close-up)
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Sorghum (dwarf) near west of edge of agui in Midwest.
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Sorghum ripe heads, Hennepin County, Minnesota.
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Sorghum shocked in south Hennepin County, Minnesota.
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. "Squaw Corn"
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Stages of Maize development in one day. Tehuacan Valley, Mexico.
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Summer fallow. Spring wheat region. East Washington.
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Summer wheat. Hopper truck.
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Summer wheat soft wheat cakes. East washington.
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Valley of Tehuacan with giant springs where maize evolved with man.
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Valley of Tehuacan with giant springs where maize evolved with man.
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Village in southwest India where rice [Illegible] finger paintings give thanks for good harvest.
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Wheat, vetch in bloom, oats in west Oregon.
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Wild Rice.
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Wild Rice.
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Wild Rice Harvest.
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Wild Rice Harvest.
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Wild Rice Harvest.
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Wild Rice Harvest.
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Wild Rice. Squaw tie together for greater harvest.
Plant and man slides Lectures 6-10. Winter wheat (eastern Montana)
Plantation of Elm and Boxelder showing cultivation ground
Plantation showing windbreak managment around orchard
Planted tree seedings, unknown date, possibly view of tree nursery looking northeast to Otter Creek
Planted white pine with open understory, unknown date
Plant from Pine Woods Near Saint Petersburg, Florida
Plant, in ground, showing leaves and flower
Plant Motifs
Plant Motifs
Plant Motifs
Plant Motifs
Plant Motifs
Plant Motifs
Plant Motifs
Plant Pathology Department University of Minnesota and United States Department of Agriculture. Barberry Types. (Box 10, Folder 18)
Plant Pathology Department University of Minnesota and United States Department of Agriculture. Lists of Barberry Types in Northeast States. (Box 10, Folder 17)
Plant Pathology Department University of Minnesota and United States Department of Agriculture. Spore germination studies (Box 9, Folder 29)
Plant Pathology Department University of Minnesota and United States Department of Agriculture. ""The Fungi"" printed pages. (Box 11, Folder 21)
Plant Pathology Seminar. Principals of Plant Pathology, JJ Christensen copy. (Box 5, Folder 24)
Plants With Snow on Them
Plaque with inlaid woods
Plaque with inlaid woods
Plaque with inlaid woods
Plaque with inlaid woods
Platanthera lacera
Platanus sp. (Platanaceae)
Plate 001 (Plate I), Wild Turkey
Plate 003 (Plate III), Prothonotary Warbler
Plate 004 (Plate IV), Purple Finch
Plate 005 (Plate V), Bonaparte's Flycatcher
Plate 006 (Plate VI), Wild Turkey
Plate 008 (Plate VIII), White throated Sparrow
Plate 009 (Plate IX), Selby's Flycatcher