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Alexander : leather belting : this is no time to trifle. . .
Alexander : leather belting : today America makes ready. . .
Alexander : leather belting : up from the ages into today. . .
Alexander : leather belting : up with the lift of a hundred hoists. . .
Alexander : leather belting : waste no power. . .
Treasured in the hills as coal and water. . . : Alexander
Alexander 1917 calendar : Alexander : carries the power of a nation's industries
Alexander 1917 calendar : Alexander : day or night regardless
Alexander 1917 calendar : Alexander : harness of power
Alexander 1917 calendar : Alexander: holds the driving reins of industry
Alexander 1917 calendar : Let Alexander : guard your power
Alexander 1918 calendar : Alexander : leather belting
Alexander 1918 calendar : Alexander : leather belting : the drive of American industries
Alexander 1918 calendar : Alexander : the overshadowing factor of beltdom
Alexander 1918 calendar : Alexander : the strong steady slipless power of industry
Alexander 1918 calendar : Alexander : turns their wheels
Alexander 1918 calendar : let Alexander : feed the power to your plant : leather belting and sole leather
Alexander 1918 calendar : let Alexander : rim-grip every power pulley in your plant
Alexander 1918 calendar : let Alexander : shoulder your power load
Alexander 1919 calendar : let Alexander rim-grip every power pulley in your plant
Alexander 1920 calendar : Alexander leather belting
Alexander : harness of power
Alexander : leather belting : again industry's great machine resumes the useful work of peace. . .
Alexander : the overshadowing factor of beltdom
Alexander : the sterling mark of beltdom
Alexander : the strong steady slipless power of industry
Alexander : turns their wheels
Brute strength bowling down your power alleys
Let Alexander : feed the power to your plant
Let Alexander rim-grip every power pulley in your plant
Let Alexander shoulder your power load
Let Alexander : shoulder your power load
Alexander 1917 calendar : Alexander : the drive of American industries
Alexander 1917 calendar : let : Alexander : drive the work out of your machines
Alexander : alone on the uplands of superquality
Alexander : now looms the greatest power in beltdom
Alexander : the choice of the majority
Alexander : the drive of American industries
Alexander : the ultimate power
For over 50 years the Alexander trade mark on a leather belt has meant quality : distribution : service : let : Alex
Let Alexander : drive the work out of your machines
Let Alexander feed the power to your plant
Millions of miles a day
Alexander 1917 calendar : Alexander : dreadnaut waterproof belts
Alexander 1917 calendar : Alexander : meets the wheels of industry at every turn
Alexander 1917 calendar : belt after belt after belt : Alexander
Alexander 1918 calendar : Alexander : stop power-theft and production-loss
Alexander 1918 calendar : Alexander : the inevitable belt
Alexander 1918 calendar : Alexander : the inevitable belt
Alexander 1918 calendar : Alexander : the sterling mark of belt-dom