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2040 - 40 of 215561 results
Children examining butterflies in Children's Library
Children examining globe in Children's Library
Children folk dancers
Children from Adath Jeshurun Jewish day school, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Children from Harlem, New York City, Baptist congregation with flags
Children from the Jewish Community Center catching butterflies at the Jack Butwin camp site
Children from the Stella de Nord Lodge
Children in a cooperative store
Children in a Purim play at Temple Emmanuel in Duluth, Minnesota
Children in classroom
Children in clown makeup at Camp Butwin, Eagan, Minnesota
Children in costume
Children in dramatic group at Mount Zion Temple, part of a cultural arts program, acting out an Uncle Remus story "We've Got De Mopes"
Children in ethnic costumes
Children in ethnic costumes
Children in ethnic costumes
Children in ethnic costumes
Children in ethnic costumes
Children in field
Children in front of a synagogue sign in support of Soviet Jews, Minneapolis, Minnesota