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Minneapolis YMCA party for teens, Minneapolis, Minnesota, circa 1940-1950.
Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company (3M), Annual Report 1940
Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company (3M), Annual Report 1940
Minnesota Museum of Natural History, building
Minnesota Museum of Natural History, building
Minnesota Museum of Natural History, building
Minnesota Museum of Natural History, building
Minnesota Ornithology Correspondence. Incoming (Box 70, Folder 698)
Minnesota transportation map : Highways, railroads, canals, air lanes, and dredged channels
Mirabilis albida
Mirabilis nyctaginea
Miscellaneous events, 1940s-1970s. (Box 49, Folder 9)
Miscellaneous. Good material for possible future use, handwritten notes (Box 2, Folder 72)
Miscellaneous pamphlets, 1940-1949 (Box 19, Folder 3)
Miscellaneous programs and sports, 1940s-1970s. (Box 49, Folder 16)
Miscellaneous programs and sports, 1940s-1970s. (Box 49, Folder 17)
Mitchella repens
Mitchella repens
Mitella diphylla
Mitella diphylla
Mitella nuda
Mitella nuda
Mixed chorus
Moehringia lateriflora
Mollugo verticillata
Mollugo verticillata
Monarda fistulosa
Monarda fistulosa
Monarda punctata
Moneses uniflora
Moneses uniflora
Monotropa uniflora
Monotropa uniflora
Monotropa uniflora
Morris Oglansky's Railroad Surplus Store, St. Paul, Minnesota
Morus rubra
Mothers and children at the CCW
Mouse skull
Mr. and Mrs. G.N. Slade Country House, North Shore, Lake Superior
Mr. and Mrs. G.N. Slade Country House, North Shore, Lake Superior
Mulgedium pulchellum
Murphy Hall. Minneapolis Campus
Murphy Hall. Minneapolis Campus
Murphy Hall. Minneapolis Campus
Murphy Hall. Minneapolis Campus
Murphy Hall. Minneapolis Campus
Murphy, Royse P.
Museum of Natural History. Breckenridge Bear Exhibit
Museum of Natural History. Minneapolis Campus
Museum of Natural History. Minneapolis Campus