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Looking up at Golden Gate bridge from Santa Juana
Looking up at Golden Gate bridge
Looking towards Munsing Wear building, currently International Market Square, Minneapolis, Minnesota
Looking toward Mpls. skyline through walkway at Kolthoff hall.
Looking through the doors of the Tweed Museum of Art showing plywood covering the future gift shop
Looking through a large interior window into the UMD coffee shop filled with customers
Looking over the Tops of Buildings into the Distance
Looking over the heads of the people.
Looking over Griggs Hall to Lake Superior Hall during construction
Looking Outside the University
Looking out of windows from the inside of a communal space in Lawrence A Ianni Hall
Looking North, Palisades, near Baptism River, Lake Superior
Looking North from Y.M.C.A. Building, Bloomington, Ill.
Looking North from The Cliff, Glen Eyrie, Lake George
Looking north from hill where Spirit Lake fire tower was built on the Fond du Lac State Forest
Looking N. from a minaret of the greatest mosque in the world over famous city of Delhi
Looking into the Future
Looking into the Formal Living Room from Glensheen's library during Christmas
Looking into Nicollet Creek at entrance into Lake Itasca from boat
Looking forward
Looking for Planet Levers (Q&A): Jon Foley, Apr. 2014
Looking for Planet Levers: Jon Foley, Apr. 2014
Looking East from Association Building, Foochow, (Nantai) China
Looking down upon the clouds at Mt. Edinburgh
Looking down the center of a spiral staircase attached to the Swenson Science Building
Looking down stream on the Temperance River
Looking down on the plain with two modern -- long houses
Looking Backward, Looking Forward
Looking and counting soybean aphids.
Looking and counting soybean aphids.
Looking and counting soybean aphids.
Looking and counting soybean aphids.
Looking and counting soybean aphids.
Looking and counting soybean aphids.
Looking and counting soybean aphids.
Looking and counting soybean aphids.
Looking and counting soybean aphids.
Looking and counting soybean aphids.
Looking and counting soybean aphids.
Looking and counting soybean aphids.
Looking Ahead to 1982 with speaker Warren Spannaus
Looking Ahead to 1979 with speaker Al Quie
Looking across the Alberni Canal
Looked, but Didn't See
Look dad : my : train hauls tanks and soldiers : too! : "keep 'em rolling" : the railroads are the backbone of offen
Look Back and Look Ahead with Mulford Q. Sibley
Look ahead : come and join the cadets
"Lonnie Elder Talks of Theater in Black and White". The New York Times, February 8, 1969.
Lonicera tatarica leaf
Lonicera tatarica