This topographical map illustrates the survey of the Duluth Complex in Allen Quadrangle by geologist, Mark Severson. On the transparency overlay, it indicates points of survey, samples taken and areas traversed. Areas of elevation are also shaded in, along with specific rock types indicated.
Severson, Mark
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.
This topographical map illustrates the survey of the Duluth Complex in Allen Quadrangle by geologist, Mark Severson. On the transparency overlay, it indicates points of survey, samples taken and areas traversed. Areas of elevation are also shaded in, along with specific rock types indicated.
Severson, Mark
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.
This topographical map illustrates the survey of the Duluth Complex in Allen Quadrangle by geologist, Mark Severson. On the transparency overlay, it indicates points of survey, samples taken and areas traversed. Areas such as the Mayas Mine and pre-mining locations are indicated.
Severson, Mark
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.
This hand drawn map depicts the geological elements found in Greenstone and Bass Lake, near Virginia, Minnesota by geologist, Mark Severson. Flows, formations and rock types are included on this map through individual colors and abbreviations to indicate where they were found. This includes mafic flow, magnetic black chert and jasper iron format...
United States Geological Survey
Severson, Mark
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.
This hand drawn map depicts the geological elements found in Greenstone near Virginia, Minnesota by geologist, Mark Severson. Rock units are indicated by specific color and abreviation and include mafic agglomerate, oacite porphyry, metadiabase, iron formation, foliated tuff, lithic tuff, phyroclastic tuff, and breccia. Other geological structur...
United States Geological Survey
Severson, Mark
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.
These map sheet and overlays illustrate the survey of the Duluth Complex in Northeast Babbitt, Minnesota, by geologist, Mark Severson. On the transparency overlays, they indicate points of survey, samples taken and areas traversed. Additional sheets show the area traversed with specific samples and sites indicated.
Severson, Mark
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.
These map sheet and overlays illustrate the survey of the Duluth Complex in Northeast Babbitt, Minnesota, by geologist, Mark Severson. On the transparency overlays, they indicate points of survey, samples taken and areas traversed. Additional sheets show the area traversed with specific samples and sites indicated.
Severson, Mark
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.
This topographical map illustrates the survey of the Duluth Complex in Northeast Babbitt, Minnesota, by geologist, Mark Severson. On the transparency overlay, it indicates points of survey, samples taken and areas traversed. The area traversed by Severson is indicated with a dashed line and specific areas of elevation are also color coded for fu...
Severson, Mark
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.
This topographical map illustrates the survey of the Duluth Complex in Northeast Babbitt, Minnesota, by geologist, Mark Severson. On the transparency overlay, it indicates points of survey, samples taken and areas traversed. There are also two additional sheets showing the same location and features. Areas traversed, as well as, geological rock ...
Severson, Mark
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.
This topographical map illustrates the survey of the Duluth Complex in Northeast Babbitt, Minnesota, by geologist, Mark Severson. On the transparency overlay, it indicates points of survey, samples taken and areas traversed.
Severson, Mark
Contributed By:
University of Minnesota Libraries, University Archives.