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New museum building in process of construction
New museum building in process of construction
The American Jewish World, Volume 27, Number 40, June 2, 1939
Social Work Today, June 1939 (Volume 6, Number 9)
University of Minnesota Bird Class, 1939
University of Minnesota Bird Class, 1939
University of Minnesota Bird Class, 1939
Blackbanded Skinks, captive, copulating
Blackbanded Skinks, captive, copulating
Blackbanded Skinks, captive, copulating
Blackbanded Skinks, captive, copulating
Blackbanded Skinks, captive, copulating
Blackbanded Skinks, captive, copulating
Blackbanded Skinks, captive, copulating
The American Jewish World, Volume 27, Number 39, May 26, 1939
Il Paese, Volume 2, Number 6
New museum building in process of construction
New museum building in process of construction
New museum building in process of construction
New museum building in process of construction
Two men standing on construction site of new museum building
Bird class of 1939 at Black-crowned Night Heronry
Bird class of 1939 at Black-crowned Night Heronry
Gown in Town Dining Club, 25th anniversary
The American Jewish World, Volume 27, Number 38, May 19, 1939
University convocation, "Is European democracy going to collapse?," by Eduard Benes
The American Jewish World, Volume 27, Number 37, May 12, 1939
The American Jewish World, Volume 27, Number 36, May 5, 1939
Harriet Island, Pavilion, Half Sections
Il Paese, Volume 2, Number 5
The Survey Midmonthly, May, 1939. (Volume 75, Issue 5)
Extension bird class, 1939
Logical Plan For Employee Promotions
Mouse girdling on apple trees
Mouse girdling on apple trees
Mouse girdling on apple trees
Mouse girdling on apple trees
Social Work Today, May 1939 (Volume 6, Number 8)
The American Jewish World, Volume 27, Number 35, April 28, 1939
Blackbanded Skinks, male from Minnetonka, female from Rush Lake
The American Jewish World, Volume 27, Number 34, April 21, 1939
Blanding's turtle, Emys blandingii
Blanding's turtle, Emys blandingii
Heterodon nasicus, Hognosed snake
The American Jewish World, Volume 27, Number 33, April 14, 1939
The American Jewish World, Volume 27, Number 32, April 7, 1939
The Survey Midmonthly, April, 1939. (Volume 75, Issue 4)
An Approach to the Hospital Personnel Problem
Social Work Today, April 1939 (Volume 6, Number 7)
Chelsea Heights School, Addition / Alterations, East Elevation